Sleet outside and new videos from
Crailtap make good bedfellows. What I scrawled on an envelope while watching:
-Fast cars are still cool. Yeah
Ty Evans, good intro.
Chocolate needs to put
Lem Villimen on before he ends up on
Plan B. As much as I enjoy
Kenny Anderson and Chico, they need some fresh legs to back up the video's one trick wonders.
Malto in white shoes!
Vince Alvarez, I'm becoming more and more convinced, can do whatever he really wants and make it look cool and/or janky-but-cool, and still be surprising. Switch 360 flips and BSA stinkers come to mind. And all that bizarro switch out of nowhere.
-All the young dudes just don't look right trying to break shit and such. They simply come off too well adjusted.
-The filters make this web throwaway nice and cohesive.
-Get ready to get sick of nollie late-flips and other variants in the near future. While
Cory Kennedy and P-Rod are doing them quite well right now,
the flood gates will open soon. On a related note, switch bigspin heelflips are losing their luster.
-Scratch the assertion that KA only had one trick; I'm counting that chop-stick
Michael J. Fox as one too. Or should it be a
Marty McFly?
-Is one of the main reasons that Lem Villemin isn't full on because they've already got Malto? Aside from their obvious shared Asianosity, their skate-games are strikingly similar. Do all the really good kids skate that way now? Maybe.
-Crailtap has now split allegiances between Vimeo and Youtube, but as pointed out by
Geaners Gauges, still stay allied with iFrames.