Davey Torkelson appeared on the The Nine Club podcast -- you can download it in the usual ways one would or you can catch it on YouTube. *The following highlights are from the podcasting POV*
There's talk of golfing; not sacking rails at Street League; Roger Bagley evidently produces a copy of Weekend Warriors; Chad Benson's rep grows stronger; as well, the legend of Nate Compher is discussed; Davis talks about making movies. I'm generally skeptical of skate-produced stuff like this (public radio snobbery?) but this one, albeit with a dude I know, was pretty well-done. I'm gonna listen to the other ones.
Update: Forgot how much the heart grew three sizes when Davis brought up his love of bad skateparks. It's all true.
By all accounts the return of Aqua Jam will be really cool. It's this Saturday -- between the keg jumps (high entertainment) and the mini ramp built for the ordeal, it should be worth showing up for.