Let's trip out; here's a sort of review of
Boondoggle. The video starts and the boys reached high in trying to remake the intro to the
Mary Tyler Moore Show, indeed, a gutsy move since most people either haven't seen it or are just stupid. It worked for the most part; they kept it short and to the point and it was rad seeing all the dudes from the video ham it up for a bit. The reason I say it worked for the most part was simply because it was shot with a VX-1000, which is still the best camera to shoot skateboarding on, but not really when it comes to skits and whatnot. Throw a filter on that? Whatever, it turned out rad.
Davis Torgerson has first part, but you probably knew that. You know what though? Real just put him full on as an AM. That's what Sam told me at least, and he's on the A+ List. When it comes to the NBA draft, they always talk about dudes that are NBA ready or not, and, as evidenced by his promotion, Davis is "the most NBA ready" dude in the video. He's made the leap to some next level shit, and we're proud. Congrats. Yes, seriously, congratulations on that part Davis. And thank you. Moving on...
Gregg Clover, second part. From what I could tell he didn't have much time to film but he handled biz. He chose a good song to shred to and mixes his shit up nicely. High fives.
Who's next? I'll go with Pat Gallaher because I can't remember and I don't have the video to reference. Aight? Pat's intro is sort of bizarre and I know the story behind it. He gets a lot of play out of his soccer jersey and lazily shreds plenty of stuff; he rips to a great Paul Simon song to boot.
Casey Copenhaver's part was a crowd favorite at the premiere. Staple guns and ankle benders abound in his section, including the treacherous anti-bender on the back of this bank. He keeps it way fun and creative and gets gold stars for sure. Tim Huey shares the section with Casey, and he made me wish that he had more foote. One of the best switch frontside shove-it's on flat and a frontside no-comply over a street gap come to mind right now, but he did a ton of shit in a small amount of time; it was a time to rememeber.
Tom Rohrer! Tom, like a lot of the dudes in the video, doesn't limit himself to really one way of skating, and it seems to pay off the most for him. He does a frontside halfcab noseslide to nollie heel, ala Mariano, and also manages to keep the dream alive at the red wave bench. Good job Tom.
There's a montage in there too. I've only seen it like twice though, so I'm not going to get into it really. Then there's Tabari Cook and Neal Shipe. Real talk, Tabari looks so mini on camera. Was it just me? Gotta love that guy though, and now he's gotta film a full part. Do it son. Neal is awesome. He can turn a backside 180 one footer into a late shove-it at will. Watch his part.
Dan Narloch is a man, something that I've stated and re-stated many times. He understands the vibe about skating rocks and has one of the best parts in the video. That fire-hydrant ollie is bananas, still.
The video ends with two dudes that I've known for a really long time, CJ Tambornino and David Jaimes. CJ didn't skate to hip hop which was refreshing but also semi-disappointing. Maybe a web only alternate edit to something grimy as hell is in order? Anyhow, CJ does some shit that's never been done, and has so much ridiculous control that it just dawned on me that he's fully NBA ready as well.
David rounds out the video with a two song part. He's so low-key sometimes that the difficulty of the tricks that he's doing doesn't register on your brain; a blessing and a problem at the same time. David's got lines for days and will jump on sketchy rails and do everything in between. He's vying with Reeves for the title of St. Paul's favorite son, and either way, he's making the East Bank proud. His ender is mind bending.
What else then? It's great to see crews of friends putting videos together and then putting them out, and doing it right with premiers and whatnot. It keeps this scene ticking away as one of the best in the country, real talk. High five Philmer Phil and Pete Spooner and Tim Fulton when you see them for merking it. Peep their own foote in the bonus section too. There's an hour of raw footage in there as well, just to keep the awesome going. Buy the video.