By Pat Smith, right?
A great blogger once said, all the random, few and far-between updates from throughout the year are all for naught if you don't handle your annual, end of the year post. And here we are. This blog is paid for through 2017 -- maybe even 2018.
Arbitrary local skateboard awards done in the style of the T-Eddy's. PAST YEARS: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
Shows No Rust: Hiatus
Balancing Act: TJ Moran
Came In After Deadline: insano
Big Things: Alec Majerus
Hair Hero: Cody Davis
Heckuva Year: Lorenzo Obnamia
Jim, Turn Him Pro: Jack Olson
Banned/Reinstated: Henry Gartland
Best Night Of His Life: Dana Ross
Solo Project?: Phil Schwartz
SP: Tabari Cook
Probably a Terminator: Chad Benson
Downunda' (still): Andrew Leibman
Stay Thirsty, My Friends: Dan Jackson
Could Have Ended It There: RIP Switch Crooks Kitty
Jumping Rope: Dennis Burdick
Where's Your Blog?: Wylie Tueting
Ramp Jesus: Jay Jenson
Resurrected: Back Yard Ramp Jam, Aqua Jam
Lazarus Man: Dom Randazzo
Still Waiting: Minneapolis public skateparks
Rad Dads: Tucker Gerrick, Augie Van Art, myself
What Happened?: Local skate Twitter
Get 3 Parts in 3 Years!: Jan Jacobson
Engagement Party: Davis Torgerson
Haven't Been There Yet: Burnsville plaza
Up All Night: Dan Rusin
Mustache Rides: Corey Millett
Still Shouting: The Hesh Dot Com
South Of The River: Adam Bovee
Still Deadly: Ricky Nunn
Extended Vacay: Pat Gallaher
On Background, In The Streets: Rob Sissi
What's Next?: Local shop videos
Still Here: CJ Tambornino
The New Oak Street Cinema: Capri Theater
Endurance: The garage
Best Event: Air Bump Challenge
Can't Hardly Wait: 30+ session
Weird, Right?: Minneapolis X Games