Nike Bruin Hyperfeel Wear Test from PetertheJones on Vimeo.
Is Nike SB even controversial right now? Plat faves Philly from Humidity and Matt Nordness appear in both clips above, along with some of the usual and not so usual locs.
Where are the support guys on this one?
Snoop and Banks should make an album!
A handful of thoughts on the new adidas video, Away Days:
* The older heads understood the vibes about the music budget.
* Fakie inward heelflips.
* Felt like a Cliché video from the aughts.
* Lucas!
* Miles Silva!?
* The skating was good; the ultra clean ledge skating got old.
* Travel budget videos lack a sense of place.
* Majerus stood out.
* Probably not gonna set any trends
* Not nearly as scary as the GX-1000 vid, but had fewer graffiti clips.