Odds and ends here, skatepark events future and past.
Vinnie got 'grammed by TSM and 10,000+ approved.
Odds and ends here, skatepark events future and past.
Vinnie got 'grammed by TSM and 10,000+ approved.
Before I finished typing the sentence that told you to order ATTN DFCT in this post, I harnessed the power of the webs to order myself a copy from here. It showed up today.
The name of this post is "Space Jams" because the entirety of the soundtrack in ATTN DFCT is ethereal-electro-rock/other. Chris Burt's VX footage is consistently washed but not to the extent of white sky; it'd be fair to say that in music and visual tones, this short, 16 minute flick, is en vogue with some of the other things that are coming out of The Southwest, in particular, in this moment of time. According to the credits, Burt was on the edit, and filmed the whole thing.
Jack Olson opens and it's apparent why he's secured shoes for life, or at least for the life of his contract. He does big things, to be sure, but perhaps most best, he spins a 270 nosebluntslide on a ledge in a line, cementing a spot on a trick-team that is still a few too few players to take the field.
With no fade to black (the standard for the entire short), Mike Lemnitzer enters and gets served, then rides up rocks. He goes for the win with a lipslide to 5-0, and does slappies on cutty spots that aren't only smoke and mirros. The dog and he move backwards.
David Nelson is a 'Plat favorite, skates after Lemnitzer, and performs more of what you want to see him do. Electrical box ledge trick is a highlight, as is a bigspin off a curb the wrong way; his section is brief and detail oriented.
Montage. No names. No slouches. Song was a montage song in an 80's film sense of the word.
And it was said: TJ Moran cut his teeth with Burt, wears white shoes, manuals, and rode down the tube. He's always good.
Former blogger, Andrew Leibman, comes through with a travelogue of a part, in which he does one of the most intuitive 5-0 to frontside noseslides since Henry. I look as above as the paragraphs about sections dwindle in word count.
Work the angles on everything about Sam Evensen's opening nollie heelflip and apply all resulting mathematics from there. Zoom back in on the hat-cock-angle. Enhance sector G-5. Perfect. Realizing I actually said nothing there; dude's got power and poise and the backtail is no joke.
Andrew Ellison runs one of the most purposeful dirt-rides ever and does a step-hop tornado out of manual. His ender features the most effective and literal spot destruction since Fully Flared, and to boot, I thought his levitate up to start the clip off was shown in reverse.
Dalton Jones has the best name in Twincities skateboarding; adherents to Roadhouse nod extra hard. Aside from JO, if anyone is going to become an internet sensation out of the line-up in ATTN DFCT, it's probably going to be Dalton. He skates to the song to which I'd most likely get buck at the club, does nbd's that aren't simply overloaded math equations, handles some straight tech that's razor-sharp and gets new at the Basilica of St. Mary (perhaps even closed that one down, or brought it to its logical conclusion). He's got enders-enders.
Then the video ends with a single shot and some credits. As stated, ATTN DFCT is 16 minutes of footage with no black in-between. No filler/art shots last longer than their natural run-times should allow. Based upon this video and North Coast from before, Burt has a voice and a sense of humor with the way he puts video together. I like it. The skating is good and the run-time is spot on. More videos should strive to be as concise and cohesive as ATTN DFCT.
@mmunzenrider ding dong bought. real nice.
— Kyle Beachy (@kylebeachy) August 15, 2013
I'm pretty sure this ghost pepper rub would be super good on a steak or other grill-ables on this fine August evening, but dang, them too? As Randall notes in the comments, those aren't stickers. If you want to try the stuff, you can order it from Pepper Palace right here or comment on their graphic design thievery.
Rumor has it, an equitable solution to the problem above has already been found.
If you missed the ATTN DFCT premiere, like I did, you can pick up a copy of that or North Coast, both by Mr. Chris Burt, right here at the Pizza Pimps Big Cartel site. Either video is $10, and that covers shipping within the U.S; excuses not to buy one are either bad or non-existent.
This anecdote as re-relayed by BTO is beautiful and too real.
Quartersnacks did a write-up on Tempelhof Skate Plaza in Berlin, a place which, in the simplest of ways, seems like a really interesting spot. Shining the light back on NYC, QS did a pretty good job of summing up a point I think I tried to touch on back here. QS wrote:
There are over ten skateparks in the city now, but the simple pleasure to be had in riding a skateboard without being stuffed in an overcrowded cage or repeating the skate-each-spot-for-two-minutes ritual has not gotten any more accessible.Yup.
Finally, Calsurf's 25th Anniversary party is Saturday, August 24 at Cause. Scroll down on that link for details.
Skatepark meetings with the city [well, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is a separate entity, but, quibbles] are a fine time to test one's faith in the system. Following a pretty impressive response to that online skatepark survey that was touted on here earlier this summer (1339 responses ain't bad), MPRB is holding two public meetings that will be about a citywide plan for future parks as well as what to do with the city's six existing skateparks.
Pulling directly from the press release, here's the pertinent info:
Public Meeting #1The MPRB skatepark plan site is chocked full of jargony-park-board-speak but also chocked full of a ton of info that may be helpful if you plan to attend the meetings.
Thursday, August 22nd, 2013
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
MPRB Headquarters, Board Room
2117 West River Road, Minneapolis, 55411Public Meeting #2
Saturday, September 7th, 2013
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Armatage Park Recreation Center, Gym
2500 West 57th Street, Minneapolis, 55410
Elsewhere, Jack Olson, who moved to California but is back at the moment, is officially on Osiris. Is he the most achieving dude ever from SLP?
Jaimes got some Red Bull coverage, which amounts to second and third angles.
Oh shit, they turned Sherman pro. Congrats.
He said it comprises skating from January to January, 2012 to 2013, and has fullish sections (16 minutes is the entire running time) from Andrew Ellison, Mike Lemnitzer, Sam Evensen, Dalton Jones, Jack Olson, Andrew Leibman, Tj Moran and David Nelson, as well as a friends section. Burt said he's already working on another video and he'll have DVD copies available at the premiere, "priced as cheaply as possible."
To spell it out, the premiere is one week from tomorrow on a Saturday. As written here, I'm a fan of what Burt does with camera and computer, so I'm looking forward to attn dfct, which is a hell of an apropos name.
For everyone commenting on this insane article about the skate park. Please do not believe the crazy things being said. No hate here guys.
— Rob Zombie (@RobZombie) August 1, 2013
Speaking of skateparks, Mike Ohman put together a summer edit at the HQ.
Also, if you're free Saturday night (though beware the Uptown Art Fair):