Name: Tucker Jaymes Gerrick
Nicknames: Tuck 187, Tuckcity.com, Tukies (Damiano inspired), Captaincup.
What's your deal: Heavy livin'.
Where are you doing it? In the future.
How high can you ollie? I still have my street legs kiddies.
Can I have your board? Sure. I got about a hundred more on deck.
Favorite local video: FREAKS (by Eric William Carroll).
What's in your car? No car homie...only bike. Faster, fitter, freer.
It's a hot day, skating or swimming? Skate downtown (only), then bike to the lake afterdark to get my skinny on.
Who's your favorite local skater? Darrell Pelton
Where's the best place to eat? Cafe Maude (bonus: R.I.P. Pane Vino Dolce)
Mini-Ramp and beer or street? Street till it's cold, then mini ramp in my house with beer or Lambrusco.
How old are you in skate years? Uh...been riding the stuntwood for 22 big ones now. Plenty of stories to make it alllll worth it.
It's 10P.M. on Saturday night, what are you doing? With some of my favorite people getting awesome. Cause that's what we do.
tucker's shoes look awesome in that video
Are you still banned from skating downtown or has the almighty TB allowed you back in?
You look like a Greek God in that clip bro
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