January 31, 2009
January 30, 2009
Purple Teef
Boil the Ocean has a proper write up of the newest and upcoming TWS video. Looks interesting as always, and the fact that Duffel has one of those Biebel Jerseys yet again proves that the joke's on us.
Pappalardo Part Five of Epicly Later'd appears to be the final episode and ends on a happily ambiguous note. I interviewed O'Dell for probably the next issue of the Mag, talked a little bit about how the show actually comes together, so read it when it comes out, re-watch some episodes, and realize that it's even more amazing than it already is-not trying to blow the thing out before it comes out.
Dispatches from the Bar
It came to light tonight that Mike Tice's wife had to be banned from Plat for talking shit to ma' girl Cody. Done, next time, think twice about hating.
Otherwise, from a fairly reliable source, it's been reported that eight out of ten girls probably like the taste of their own vagina. It makes total sense. Comments?
January 26, 2009
Resurrection of the Banned List

Indeed, I should be all rosy for the Wolves tonight, as they just pulled out their third win in a row by taking out the Milwaukee Bucks in Beer City; winning there for the first time since 2004. The game was not pretty in the fourth quarter for the Wolves, too many turn-overs, at least four shot clock violations that I noticed, and their shots weren't coming close to dropping. Luckily, in the first part of the fourth, the Bucks were shooting equally atrociously, but then they went on some runs. We managed to answer with free throws and the like, but the Bucks crept it to within five points, and I'll admit, we looked so bad that if someone had asked, "Who's nervous?," I'd have said, "Me." The game was really up in the air tonight until the well spoken glue guy Ryan Gomes hit a go-ahead three late in the game to essentially seal the deal for the moribund until that point Wolves. That was that, we'll call it a game, Wolves 90, Bucks 83.
So why is Mr. We Shall No Longer Speak His Name banned from Platinumseagulls.com? When Gomes hit the deal-sealing three, MWSNLSHN just fucking sat there, no emotional response, as the rest of the bench manifested some "Oh shit we're really going to win," type shit. Nothing. Nada, zip, banned from Platinum. Hopefully boning one of those Kardashian chicks (seriously, I have no idea why those broads are "famous") will make up for being banned. I doubt it, seriously doubt it.
Post Notes: What up to Pizzy; sad to see Michael Redd go down while you guys cling to the eighth playoff spot. When's Bogut coming back?
In Rememberance of Dudes That Moved
JTMR-amazing skill sets, nothing more to say.
January 23, 2009
In Your Mind Field

I wouldn't be surprised if Tyler Bledsoe has first or second to last part in Mind Field; dude'll turn heads (first ever use of the contraction "dude'll"!!!).
PS: It'll be interesting to see Dyrdek's part for any number of reasons, one of them being that he's been busy writing movies. Snoop around that page, and definitely read the (cringe worthy for sure, puke worthy maybe) synopsis of the movie, written by none other than Mr. Dyrdek himself. I wanted to say stick to what you excel at dawg, but then I could just say don't quit your day job, but what the hell is his day job anymore?
January 22, 2009
Live-Blogging Shitheads Vol. 8
-The intro "Warning" shot is so good. "Three frames of shitty tits that you don't want to see." I wrote that. Booya.
-At this point know that I'm not watching the video but typing, so there're gaps.
-Macho Man was a must.
-SoDak kid slammed, whoa.
-Nesser banger, and then the forever loved "Shitheads Johnny" came in.
-I skated the Supernatural demo at the Lair and did a frontside crooks on the box. That's all I remember.
-Was also at the 4 Seasons demo. Me and Vang drove out for that.
-I edited the SPRNTRL section. What's up with Trees' nollie bigspin front board the wrong way? Is he the only dude to do that trick?
-Injured pimp was so hot, Spettle walking off the short bus with a pint of something and an afro wig was too good.
Always hated the jump cut in Sissi's line; I edited this section too and that was painful.
-Spettle line!
-Tim Kulas!
-Little Hecky Do Good!
-I showed Neal's face while Blacksheep said, "Don't punch girls" because at some party he actually punched a chick.
-My only backside smith on film.
-Kickflip fakie on the steep bank was the first trick done on there since??? First try filming.
-Joe Blum filmed the NYC part, Indonesian Jack is actually Jack Curtain, Dolo was legendary for that tre flip, and Beji edited this section. Blum caught heat for using the football catch at the end of the segment.
-Keith had a snake board once. That bum was super hyped to be in the video, he got a copy.
-Ghettoplex, edited twice. The first one was better but was lost. I did it. Chris Carnahan is listed as the megaphone operator because I fucked up filming his switch front noseslide on the wooden ledge that used to be outside The Quest.
-A-Plus post knee surgery.
-SMOKE BREAK, pause.
-Ghettoplex was held in a parking lot of a building that was supposed to be a recycling plant but they didn't move in all summer. We stole copies at kinkos for flyers and the event, if you want to call it that happened a week after it's inception as an idea.
-Dan Jackson Sal Flip!
-We went to Old Chicago in Roseville afterwards.
-Heck was bummed on that slam.
-"Yeah fuck you, put my shades," courtesy of Apocalypse.
-Got some Milwaukee foote courtesy of Wiskate for the "Now You're a Man" section.
-Benji did this one; Dolo did his line right after going to church. Clint's flip 5-0 was sick!
-Park foote section was me, I did that tre flip fakie in a sleeveless Iota shit.
-Tucker Gerrick's only clip in a local vid!
-We did demos back then!
-Right when A-plus is skating the hip at the old Lair I'd done a hail mary type music edit and it worked! Neal in the dew flag is priceless.
-Old roller skate chick foote...Staying up late editing...
Oh, you sent us foote at the last minute? Let's put it in the video and set it to Lil' Kim. Where's Randy Korwin?
-Again, where's Randy Korwin? Dude rips!
-I like a whole lot of foreplay...
-Oh fux, the dork section. Rappin' Rodney. I had a boner from making out with Red Robin in the bathroom and she'd taken off her shirt. Cool?
-Neal's line with the tri-board lipslide at Next-plex was amazing...
-Street Life! I filmed Elijah's nollie front board at the U but he'd done it on the Highland 8 was better; he wanted my booty filming anyways.
-Me, pressure flip inward heels. Gross.
-Yung Nate!
-360 spinners from ZED sooooooo'z hot.
-Swtitch tre on the sculpture bank wins; good job Chad.
-The "Blaine Dirt" had no name until I gave him one.
-The Blaine concrete park is even worse than it looks. Trust me. For Dan to switch crook that rail is so fucking amazing that my grammar and brain have no bearing on this sentences. See, I lost it.
-The afterblack is using music from the movie "The Omen." Fucked up shit.
-The interlude features Ganster, the only cat I learned to love.
-Fuck this water line section.
-Smoke break!
-And back! Best interludes ever; first Lair contest ever.
-Holy fuck that kickflip of Nesser's was amazing.
-Dan did the ollie ollie to flat first, so he got it the video, Benson had to chill.
-Cheating, I paused the video; Damian has a sequence lying around of Dan switch crooksings that rail and Meyer needs it because he got in the frame eight years ago!
-Back. Hack rips.
-Elijah rips.
-Benson pretty much shut down under cover five with that shit.
-Neal's noselside is so gnar, go there do that shit.
-The credits! Boycott 2001!
The beautiful facts are that Shitheads Vol. 8 happened in less than a year after Anonymous. A lot of fools were skating and we weren't just drinking, right? It was one of the hottest summers ever, and they, I mean, Brayden Knell shot a Minneapolis article for TWS that summer...shit was hot...A lot of typos and shit are in there, but whatevz.
Yup-Twolves Post
The greatest game to date in franchise history came on Garnett's 28th birthday, exactly four years after Malik Sealy's tragic death, during Game 7 of the Western Conference Semifinals against the Sacramento Kings. Every seat in the Target Center was filled, though there would be little sitting that night. With 2.2 seconds remaining and the Wolves up by three, the Kings took the ball in-bounds for one last shot at a tie. After Chris Webber's buzzer-beating three-pointer rimmed in and out, the Target Center transformed into an insane asylum.Garnett, having just racked up 32 points, 21 rebounds, and 5 blocks, leapt up on the scorer's table and saluted the shrieking crowd, which turned out to be the most iconic moment of his career with the Timberwolves.
Downtown traffic that drizzling evening was at a standstill. Car horns—celebratory, not frustrated—echoed between office buildings. Hooting fans hanging out of car windows proudly waved Timberwolves flags and jerseys. It was the high point of the franchise.
Ah shit, kinder, warmer, better memories huh? Somehow we got tickets to that game, we were three or four rows down from the top of the Target Center, and it turned out to be a deliriously drunk euphoric amazing time. On the concourse chants of "Beat LA" broke out, and by the time we were in the stairwells going down to street level, it had changed to "Fuck LA." Youtube proof below that at one time, the team with the best record in the Western Conference was from Minnesota.
Video of the game mentioned starts around the 7:00 mark (fuck Brad Miller).
LA beat us.
January 20, 2009
January 19, 2009
January 16, 2009
January 15, 2009
Dispatches from Hoth
Poll Answers, Again

Im with the last post, this is turning super gay, and another thing, wat up with Slate being a favored link on the plat survey?? Get over it, nobody cares about politics, if they did they would not be visiting the PlatSo two whole people may or may not disagree with you. I can't tell you what their intent was voting for Slate, but I know I probably spend more time on Slate.com than any of the other poll options, for the sake of the amount of content offered by Slate. The Hesh seemingly won via vote tampering, but I'm not calling this one for anyone, I just love all my links.
January 14, 2009
Locs...Emeric Pratt

Name: Emeric Pratt
Nicknames: Emu, Big Baby Ou, Seth has a new one every time I see him.
Age: Four decades deep.
What's your deal? Learning how to skateboard, speak german, and type in c#.
Where are you doing it? Wherever I can.
How high can you ollie? Only as high as the thing I'm skating.
Can I have your board? I'm sure you wouldn't want it.
Favorite local video: Anything with Christopher John in it.
What's in your car? Nothing, the locks have been frozen on and off for most of the winter so I keep it open.
It's a hot day, should we go skating or swimming? Skate until we're dehydrated.
Who's your favorite local skater? Timmy Joe Johnson McFlipkick, they're all good.
Where's the best place to eat? Oktoberfest in Muenchen.
Mini-ramp and beer or out on the streets all day? Street skating with the homies.
How old are you in skate years? I'll be old enough to drink this summer.
It's 10 PM on a Saturday night, what are you doing? Emeric is at home watching a movie, Olu is blackout drunk somewhere.
January 12, 2009
Locs...Dan Narloch
Name: Dan Narloch.
Age: 17.
Nicknames: Probably people just emphasizing gnar in Narloch.
What's your deal? Looking for cellar doors.
Where are you doing it? Allies, old buildings, old houses. They are really hard to find. Being in NYC would makes things a lot easier.
How high can you ollie? It depends on what kind of ground I’m doing it on.
Can I have your board?: Heck, why not.
Favorite local video: Open Iris and Weekend Warriors can battle that one out.
Whats in your car? A lot of things, people call a lot of it junk, but I like to call it all essentials.
It's a hot day, skating or swimming? Swimming, usually play a newly invented raft game call “MOM,” then eat some brats.
Who's your favorite local skater? Man that's a hard question. All the dudes I skate with on a regular basis are my favorites. I can’t narrow it down anymore.
Where's the best place to eat? The White Bear Lake Burger King. It’s just fast food, but there is just something about it. Locals call it the “BK lounge.” Haha.
Mini-ramp and beer or out in the streets all day? Out in the allies all day.
How old are you in skate years? 17-10=7
It's 10 PM on a Saturday night, what are you doing? If it were 10PM on a Saturday night, I would hope to be in C-hams shed with a harmonica, recovering from a “pick me up” game of hockey.
January 11, 2009
January 9, 2009
January 8, 2009
January 7, 2009
Locs...CJ Tambornino
Name: C.J. / Christopher John Tambornino
Age: 21 soon ta be 22.
Nicknames: Tambo, Obmat, C and Seige.
What's your deal? Straight chillin, tryna stay quenched.
Where are you doing it? About 38th and Lake St.
How high can you ollie? I dono, how much have I smoked today?
Can I have your board? Shit I'll give you a lil' card so you can get 10% off at Calsurf, u got arms, shovel that snow...
Favorite local video: It's a toss up between Anonymous and Midoply.
Whats in your car? Some insent matches, Roto eye drops, some Versace sunglasses, some empty Philly tubes and a rolling tray. I think that's bout it...
It's a hot day, skating or swimming? Skate till you can't handle it then jump off the Cedar bridge.
Who's your favorite local skater? It's not possible to narrow it down, they all get me hyped from the older dudes that paved the way that are still killin' it to the younger dudes coming up with the quickness, I think the MN skate scene deserves a pat on the back.
Where's the best place to eat? damn too many places... the Java off 24th and Niccolet, Emily's over NE best tabuli ever!! Caffrey's ranch gobbler, Uptowner in St Paul for breakfast. Highland Grill for there sweet potato fries...Mesa Pizza's buffalo chicken quesadilla pizza, McCormick's for happy hour.
Mini-ramp and beer or out in the streets all day? Butter benches and blunts with a whole lotta water!
How old are you in skate years? Damn, its gotta be around 9 or 10.
It's 10 PM on a Saturday night, what are you doing? Man, just got done with stocking the bar and I'm usually hoping that the 2nd happy hour doesnt pop off so i can get outta work and get ta partying.
January 6, 2009
Disposable Income

Jenkins' Log Clip - 2008 In Retrospect from Jenkins1288 on Vimeo.
This shit is pretty sick. Proper NE street tech, me rikey, assist from Templeton.
More links jacked, and on the the other end of the spectrum from the clip above, download SON and dream about skating NYC and Ohio with the homies on some stricly buddy-cam type shit. I'm dreaming of my summer being just like that video.
And then...
Rumors Confirmed
The Wolves have won three games in a row for the first time in two years. Quite underwhelming I know, and 9-25 is nothing to high-five about, but fuckit, it was a good little game to watch tonight and it was exciting. On more of the in two years tip, Darius Miles played his second game tonight in more than two years for the Grizzlies, and well, it only seems appropriate to link up this video (fully bio in the tramp!):
Locs...Kevin Chartrand

Name: Kevin Chartrand
Age: 21
Nicknames: K-Fedz, Fedz, Flowbie
What's your deal? Trying to freelance the shit out of myself.
Where are you doing it? Minneapolis, hopefully eventually somewhere warmer.
How high can you ollie? Am I teaching skate camps right now?
Can I have your board? Am I teaching skate camps right now?
Favorite Local Video: Myskate, Feelin' Minnesota (very soon!), THE HESH MIXTAPE (later than sooner).
Whats in your car? I really gotta get that beast cleaned out. Most likely some old assorted energy drink cans and fast food trash.
It's a hot day, should we go skating or swimming? You bring the Beers and I'll bring the BBQ!
Who's your favorite local skater? Anybody who's down to squad up and head out. I usually end up watching anyways.
Where's the best place to eat? In and Out. *(when in the area) - Is there any other option?
Mini-ramp and beer or out on the streets all day? Attempt to skate mini for about 5 minutes, go to bar after. After a few jag bombs with ShitBag we'll prolly go sesh Saturn. Casual shit.
How old are you in skate years? I'm officially at 7 years this month, weird.
It's 10PM on Saturday night, what are you doing? Trilin' it with some homies, attempting to trill it with some honeys.
January 5, 2009
Touch My Face I'm Rolling

Admittedly, the past post was a bit nostalgic and sensitive and shit, and was mostly for my friends I suppose, but you know, the comment board wasn't feeling it:
why does this blog read like some shitty senior year book? Remember us always...blah blah blah. This is some bullshit!Sheeeeeee-it, I done wasted some reader's time, or at least that's what I can try to gleam from their eloquent, and anonymous comment. What I'm left wondering, is what were you, anonymous, expecting? A T-Wolves rant, some skate shit, a new locs, more links to Slate.com? Yeah, I don't know either, and be aware that more "shitty senior year book" type shit isn't out of the question, though I'm fairly over it at this point too. Also, I'll just put it out there that ya'll should use at least an alias instead of the anonymous option, not only because it keeps it interesting ala the lurker of the year, but also because some anonymous poster talked about wanting to have tons of sex with Jewish girls, and I know a hot Jewish girl that wants to meet him. All in all, BORING, let's move on.
Back on the Thrasher tip, and I'm a little late on this, but their 2008 Was Great video got me fully sparked; it's a little dangerous watching that shit here in the frozen tundra of bullshit land, but you'll be better for it.
I skated the Lair today, and well, it got me thinking, and it's pretty much this...An Open Letter to 3rd Lair...
Dear 3rd Lair,
Could we please breath some life into the set-up at the park? I know times are tough and all in this economic slowdown, ie, Depression, but let's look at it another way. Part of the new president's plan to revitalize our economy is to invest in the nation's infrastructure, and I feel like the same thing could work for the skatepark. I'm not talking about moving a ledge or setting up another bump to flat-bar, that just feels like bailing out the auto-makers; a move that is a near-sighted solution to a long-term problem, that isn't going to mean much in a year's time anyways. Obama is talking highways and mass-transit; I'm talking new quarterpipes, less bump to flat-bars, maybe a parking block type obstacle here or there, more nooks and crannies of little fun, simple to build obstacles, that are low impact to skate. I'm not claiming I've got all the answers, as I haven't drawn a blueprint for the future or anything, but I mean, the '09 is all about change, right, isn't that what we voted for? I think the time for some change is now.
Platinumseagulls LLC.
I wasn't trying to come off as a smart ass with that, just saying, can we please get a new set-up? Something?
Did I mention that these dudes rip?
Twolves win two in a row, woot woot.
So yeah, I just looked at the internet for 20 minutes and forgot I was updating. Game over, Gino for life.
January 3, 2009
Wasted Years
Much of 2007 was a wasted year for me, I can't even take Maiden's advice and make it a golden year, but seriously, 2008 ripped; ripped me apart, ripped me back together, ripped me a new asshole, you know, it was amazing on many, many levels. Good shit is what they call 2008. So when all my friends on their respective blogs are putting up New Year's resolutions and whatnot, here's my look back at a year that was overall good and awesome where I took one more baby-step towards being an adult without taking that many adult steps back. I hope this doesn't suck.
The tone was set for 2008 when I'd left the champagne for New Years in the freezer and we discovered our frozen bubbly around 11:47 PM, December 31st, 2007. It was the beginning of the end for me and Ash when I suggested that we just put the bottle in the oven to thaw it. Choass.
That one chick on Hennepin Ave. in front of a pool of blood. January, bloody January.
Sam stayed at the house and this is one of the millions of photos that I took throughout the year of his various "office" setups at various locales. Not a whole lot happened in February.
This one dude I know, Tucker, started drinking in 2008, and this is when the weight of non-sobriety really hit him; it goes to show that you actually cannot indescriminately mix alcohol and make drinks and drink them. RIP The Kneepad.
Went to Iowa City for spring break; it ruled way harder than it sounds, seriously. Here Sam and Cutty are committing the amazing "double dutch" move that will set off a dance party any place, anytime. The Picador rips.
"Cheese like hamburger" was hot.
SB08 son!
We went to the Rec Center one day and had a diving contest and then me and Cutty met these chicks at the bar. Still got a crush on the one on the right, I'll see her in Ames, some day.
Obviously amazing. Got pulled over the next day for speeding on the way home and the officer informed me that he could totally smell booze on me and then it dawned on me that you could get DUI's the next day, but I didn't.
The Mag got us a room for Top Shop so we did a bunch of stupid shit in there.
Make mistakes and make memories...a dreaded walk of shame.
Was back in Iowa for a Girl demo but obviously MJ didn't make it.
Des Moines mall, peep the back of my car for proof of purchase.
Made out with a high school teacher in Missoula, MT, and she wrote down her number for me.
Beer Up, Bro Down.
Joe took the "Bro Down" portion way too seriously.
All Tomorrow's Parties was the theme early in June. Sam will grind da shit out of datazz, right?
The next day we got slurpies.
Then we drove out to Cali; here we are in the foothills of the Rockies.
Young Blood, Mind Field.
Then for what seemed like a week solid, we'd wake up, get coffee, drive to a spot, halfway set-up a board, then drive to a spot, set-up the board almost, drive to another spot, get the board set-up, get kicked out, then go home and barbeque, drink some beers, watch the Celtics win the Championship, see KG go insane, repeat. It was almost like that.
In Costa Mesa Todd had an underwater housing for his digi. Sam, as always, hot.
Biked to the beach everyday.
Hopped a plane to New York City. Like Lil' Dap said, it's the, "Big fuckin' apple where niggaz get busy." Got busy for sure...
In good times and in bad...
Had a crush on Ambra for ever back in the day.
Days boiled down to walking out of the house at an ever and ever later hour, drinking coffee, skating, and then around dusk or so winding up in Tompkin's Square Park for flat ground right before we started...
Drinking. At this point, "It was morning in Berlin," for sure.
Early in on my stay in NYC, Neal got convinced that there were bed bugs in his room, so here he is "sleeping" in the living room. I stayed in his room on the floor and never got bit.
I got home and when I was staying at Meyer's house, I indeed got bit; some fool bit my foot and here it is swollen. Three days of hell.
Wizard Staffs or whatever you call those things arriba norte; I was +6 wizard status with miraculous technique.
Didn't take many photos in August; most of it was filled with biking and some mini-ramp and beers and Ten Year Anniversary tricks and sunglasses and partying on roofs. Times were easier and good; Tucker, Tim and Juri knew and know what's up.
Water World.
Steve felt the vibe about skating rivers and was all 'bout his new homies.
Wizard Staffing Solutions and a farewell to EC.
Johnny Vang had a bachelor party and after all the stupid shit we did on the party bus, where I lost my camera, there was no way in hell that the birds driving the bus were giving me back the damn thing. Just imagine pics from BYRJ, the party bus, Vang's wedding, etc. It was tough man, tough.
Here the venerable Cody and I pose for Prom New Years 08-09 and so forth; I came up on a camera, sort of have a hard time remembering I did, and there you go, a year of my life in random photos. Some are pictures of big ideas, some are small ideas, some are from the vault just for fun.
If I make one resolution it's to make the '09 better than the '08, which in retrospect of 20/20 vision, might not be that easy, but I know the ball is in my court. I also know I need pictures of all the new friends I made in the latter half of the '08, get ready fools. Happy New Years lovely Plat readers, I'm out!