This dude is coming to town tomorrow. Maybe I'll go skate. That's all for now.
June 29, 2010
Evil Dead
June 23, 2010
What You Wanna Spend The Rest Of Your Life Rolling Around On Rollerskates, You Fairy?
June 22, 2010
Pros Vs. Peons
June 21, 2010

Zedder has his 5's at the Familia TF.
A Blaine man threatens Biden. Pretty boring up there; looks like the dude is screwed.
This is possibly one of the best The Hesh updates ever.
I heard Tucker is going to be on the Channel 5 news tonight talking about GSD.
Work has resumed to schedule Beer Up, Bro Down 3, I swear. Would anybody be into doing it on a Friday night?
June 18, 2010
Same Old Song

"So I said fuck ten times and got a G. I then took that G and spent it all on candy. That's why I have so many fillings."
Daewon does some Love Child, and some new stuff too. Happy weekend.
June 16, 2010
June 15, 2010

My general ambivalence over Go Skate Day is only heightened by the fact that nobody asked to put our logo on the flyer, and now my feelings are hurt. Seriously, The Hesh is on there? Those dudes are just three posts away from taking another month off...Oh, I mean, three posts away from there website not working for a month for some totally mysterious reason.
Suck it up, be cool, post the flyer. Whatever.
June 14, 2010
From Near The Loop And Proud
Congrats to all the locals that did well in the Damn Am over the weekend. Rusty wins and Sherman finally got the shine that he's been due for years in any best trick contest. Was this the last Damn Am Minneapolis ever? I have no idea. Am I trying to create possibly bogus media narrative? Just putting it out there. Where are Jack Olson's 5's? Coming soon.
I'm still backing Big Baby even if he was a non-drooling, non-factor in last night's game five. Too bad Pierce has to go home though.
June 11, 2010
Big Baby Has A Posse

I feel like I've covered basketball quite judiciously over the past couple of months because the TWolves didn't have anything exciting to write about. The Playoffs have been good but not covered all that much. No longer the case.
I fuckin' love Big Baby. The dude looks like a Dick Tracy character (proof), and the name bears it out. The guy is 300 pounds and six foot nine. As of now, on the Celtics side, its a toss up between him and Jesus Shuttlesworth for Finals MVP. Let's hope Baby comes up big in the coming days.
Glen "Big Baby" Davis is the first ever Platinumseagulls Person of the Week. If I can get him to "ride" for us I'll let you guys know.
Hope to see y'all out this this weekend. Happy weekend.
P.S. Day Of Familia and Damn Am, that's where I'll see y'all this weekend.
June 9, 2010
Its In The Name
June 8, 2010
Circle of Trust
Other indoor specific options are illustrated by Familia Skatepark Dot Com, an online index of the "5's" that are going so well so far, and a repository for Daewon-like bench ensembles by the B-Show. Where's the DBong 5's?
Henkler was gunning for some huge welcome back to the internet for the currently undead The Hesh, so check them out. I just don't expect much, yet. You guys gotta re-earn that love.
Jared Huss is pretty bonkers.
This is an interesting Ira Glass interview via Slate. A huge chunk of skateboarding is about righting wrongs, so its apropos.
While Maloof Money Cup has been approved by everyone from TSM to Thrasher, presumably because they've backed their shit up with serious cash, and the whole "leaving the skatepark there for the masses to skate it" thing, I have a couple of questions. For one, assuming that Tech Deck won't be going anywhere as a heavy sponsor, could we maybe get some re-branding and re-logoing (sic) for next year? Shit was painful to stare at. Also, what's with the beyond haphazard live coverage? Someone in the control room has some 'splaining to do. Beyond that, cool, and its been greatly entertaining to read commenter's opinions on the outcome and coverage. What with normal skaters calling for conspiracy theories at the judging table and whatnot, dudes are starting to sound like your average sports fans, ala just about every comment I read regarding The NBA Finals.
As for the Finals, let's hope that Paul Pierce's comment of "We ain't coming back to LA" holds up much better than his, "Someone gotta broom?" comment (now no longer on Twitter), because there's definitely two ways they could avoid that return trip.
June 5, 2010
June 4, 2010
June 3, 2010
Day Of Familia 5

The line up looks good if it holds, and shit, I haven't been to Oakdale all year, even after calling it "best park in the cities" some year(s) back. After that we can go see if we can force Red Stag to discontinue yet another event at their venue. And then there's Damn Am too! Hot darn. Even though its been said for a couple of years now, this could be the last year they do the Damn Am here, so show up. I'll remind you guys again.
June 2, 2010
platinumseagulls #527: enigmatic

Month two of the Hesh Dot Com Death Watch has begun. Have the rigors of skateboard blogging caught up with the guys we used to lovingly refer to as Plat Jr., or do they simply need to be publicly called out? And what happened to BTO?
Everything you need to know about The High Five, via Todd, and then via Steve.
It was suggested that I should mention Element's Trio, albeit weeks late. Stanton came back from the dead and the plan b dustbin of history, while I was most excited by Levi Brown's incredibly casual pushing donkey punch shuv-it. In other 50-50 to backside 360 news, Mark Wetzel will always be an unsung hero.
At least somebody is filming for Shitheads 2010.