June 2, 2010

platinumseagulls #527: enigmatic

Years ago there were ongoing talks about some sort of "Platinum Dunk," but as hopes faded we settled for a proper-ass wheel (though time and yellowing and skateboarding mean that I don't have any Plat wheels as keepsakes). It seems that Sissi never gave up on a blog shoe, and that quest has resulted in the (much more?) well deserved Chrome Ball Dunk. Keep up the good work Chops.

Month two of the Hesh Dot Com Death Watch has begun. Have the rigors of skateboard blogging caught up with the guys we used to lovingly refer to as Plat Jr., or do they simply need to be publicly called out? And what happened to BTO?

Everything you need to know about The High Five, via Todd, and then via Steve.

It was suggested that I should mention Element's Trio, albeit weeks late. Stanton came back from the dead and the plan b dustbin of history, while I was most excited by Levi Brown's incredibly casual pushing donkey punch shuv-it. In other 50-50 to backside 360 news, Mark Wetzel will always be an unsung hero.

At least somebody is filming for Shitheads 2010.


Nathan said...

I was wondering if i just imagined Levi's push/shuv, but now that I know it was real, it would be cool to know what he calls it

Hassel-Bloggin-Hoff said...

Wetzel don't play!

Anonymous said...
