June 25, 2015


?shine 📹 @durhamdurham

A video posted by @kirianstone on

Could just convert this into a Kirian Kickflip Blog. I gotta figure out how to pay $36 dollars for this hosting by August or this thing dies. More later...

June 18, 2015

Park Zombies

We show up five days after the contest and post the link to the full video here. My voice is still kind of gravelly from announcing that thing. Fine job to everyone that came out and had a good time. An hour or two after that Theotis Beasley put on a one man show before 17 iPhones and 10 people, who watched in rapt silence.

If you were down at Familia HQ this weekend you might have seen a Strib reporter talking to both little skaters and grizzled vets; her work product is right here. The comments on the story are surprisingly benign (for now) and it's nice to know the status of the principal twin cities' skateparks. Good news:

Skate parks are also a part of Minneapolis’ master plans for Nokomis-Hiawatha Regional Park and Northeast Athletic Field Park. The city estimates that a skate park in Nokomis Park would cost about $500,000.

[Park Board planner and designer Colleen] O’Dell said that as soon as funding becomes available, the city will begin building skate parks at the two sites.

Based on the number thrown out above, I started Googling around searching for the cost of say, Ojibwe Skatepark in Woodbury, and ended up being reminded that Rob Zombie made national news because he was bummed on the noise generated by the Woodbury, Connecticut skatepark. We'll just leave it all there.


June 7, 2015

It's a doozy.

The most bull dude @themostelkdude heeldaddy #ordinarypeopleliketowatchskateboarding

A video posted by Kyle Henkler (@henklurk) on

June 3, 2015


at long last, #thequiltvid is premiering alongside #newlife !

A photo posted by danrusin (@danrusin) on

I owe web hosting $34.00 for two more years of this, don't know the username or password that which I need to pay up, and am contemplating starting a Kickstarter. One lie, two truths. Go check out Dan Rusin and Shane Brown's twisted dream, The Quilt Vid on Friday.


Redbull's Greetings From Minneapolis is right here with video by Meyer, photos by Alex Uncapher and a rather gully (at least at the beginning) voice over from Anthony Hart. I did some writing too. Proper clip.


This one goes out to all the quitters out there: Farewell My Lovely Cigarettes. That piece hit pleasure centers in my brain rarely roused since I gave up the wonderful/horrible habit. Good riddance.