June 3, 2015


at long last, #thequiltvid is premiering alongside #newlife !

A photo posted by danrusin (@danrusin) on

I owe web hosting $34.00 for two more years of this, don't know the username or password that which I need to pay up, and am contemplating starting a Kickstarter. One lie, two truths. Go check out Dan Rusin and Shane Brown's twisted dream, The Quilt Vid on Friday.


Redbull's Greetings From Minneapolis is right here with video by Meyer, photos by Alex Uncapher and a rather gully (at least at the beginning) voice over from Anthony Hart. I did some writing too. Proper clip.


This one goes out to all the quitters out there: Farewell My Lovely Cigarettes. That piece hit pleasure centers in my brain rarely roused since I gave up the wonderful/horrible habit. Good riddance.


Wylie Tueting said...

First, I can't believe that I just saw Anthony Hart skating; I've been rejecting his existence for years. (I wish he'd just notify the world when he's downtown.)
Last, I'll remember Chad Benson's line more than I'll remember any other clips from that. There's just something about a yellow T-shirt, a long-lens, and white windows at a spot that nobody skates that's just so: great.

Wylie Tueting said...

Warning: if you're under the age of twenty-five and missed the two
premiers last night, you ought to be devastated.
Because the night rode like this: by 7:15 p.m., there weren't many
people in the theater, then Newlife began - carefully radiating its
vapor-waves and relatable styles - and suddenly there were many
people, with bottles clanking and hoots abounding; and then it
concluded, and there was really nothing to criticize about it, so The
Quilt began, and bottles clanked more, the word "fuck" was shouted in
an infinite amount of creative and non-creative ways, hoots rang out
for awkward tricks as much as hard tricks, and by the time Dan Rusin
bs-flipped over the South High handrail as snow lay underfoot (which
was the last trick), the theater felt more like a rumpus room.
And it was the best.

jonathan richman said...

dang wiley, spoiler alert