This blog will most definitely not be updated from now until around the second week in January, 2016, so just hold tight.
December 21, 2015
Program note
December 20, 2015
'15 Platty's
Super deep thoughts on how the Platty's work (unnecessary apostrophe but years of style backing it up), via the 2010 blockbuster, Inception:
"What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed - fully understood - that sticks; right in there somewhere."Probably just that intestinal worm.
Arbitrary local skateboard awards done in the style of the T-Eddy's. PAST YEARS: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
MinneSOTY: Jack Olson.
Dark Horse: Jesse Krueger.
The Professional: Tabari Cook.
Rad Dad: Emeric "Olu" Pratt.
So Long Ago?: DEBRI2.
Best At HQ: Evan Smith.
Remix: The Hiawatha.
People's Champ: Jack Dawkins
Still Waiting On That Part: Alex Uncapher.
Right Below The Surface: Corey Millett.
Gentleman Filmmaker: Tim Fulton.
40-years-old: Chad Benson.
Best Hair: Davis Torgerson.
TWS Part?: Davis Torgerson.
Still Skates: Dennis Burdick.
Father Time: Judd Prozinski
Year Of Progression: Brian Estrada.
Whip It, Whip It Real Good: Tanner VanVark.
Decade's A Long Time: Cody Davis.
The Force Stayed Woke: Todd Brown.
Brooklyn: Pete Spooner.
Serious Inquiries Only: Kevin Horn.
Divine Hammers: Jan Jacobson.
You'll Never Believe To Which Blog We'll Never Link:
Down Under: Andrew Leibman.
ALL CAPS/New, New Layout: The Hesh Dot Com.
Gentleman Scholar: Ricky Nunn.
Former Loc Done Good: Dane Vaughn.
Staff Writer: Wylie Tueting.
Thank You: Steve Nesser.
Conflicted: Dana Ross.
Questions Of Infrastructure: Phil Schwartz.
The New Oak Street Cinema: Bell Museum.
Copy Editor?: Village Psychic.
Casually The Best Dude Here T.J. Moran.
Good Ass Beer?: Kevin Chartand.
How Old Is That Dude?: Dalton Jones.
Thank who? THNKU.
OH Snap: Kirian Stone.
Most Anticipated: The Lair Video.
December 8, 2015
Dip Dip We Dip
Winter is coming?#familiaHQ #later #weoutdisbitch 🎥@shanebrown333
A video posted by Alex Uncapher (@slamdunkapher) on
December 4, 2015
Death Row Alley
Caught the Nike SB video earlier today. Cory Kennedy skates to a song that shoulda been banished because of its association with Blurred Lines, but the dude comes through. Remix? Trevor Colden is the Millennial skater's everyman. 51-year-old Lance Mountain has this shit dialed. He skated street too! I'd forgotten how entertaining Omar Salazar is and BA in Miami-white linen was dope. Kevin Bradley is who we thought he was. His frontside 360s are quite good, perhaps second place. Koston slappied A LOT and seeing Mariano -- as guest skater/Swoosh teamrider -- was a bit strange. Can't fade EK's ender though, which is one hell of a feat of angular momentum and other physics, and his trick in that spiny-ditch spot was reminiscent of the middle sequence here. Karsten Kleppan is unfairly well-rounded.
-Benson turned 40 on Tuesday and still finds new lines, here and there.
-Shitheads Vol. 8 turned 14 on Tuesday. This is probably the best section outta there.
-Who killed The Hesh?
-The good folk at Wiskate got a shout in the Quartersnacks book, as did TC OG Old skate Internet, rep.
-Element is in town this weekend for two things, tonight at Familia HQ (if the Fam IG imbed goes dead know HQ is @ 7:30 p.m.) and Sunday at 3rd Lair:
A photo posted by Familia Skateboard Shop (@familiask8shop) on
A photo posted by 3rd Lair SkatePark & SkateShop (@3rdlair) on