December 19, 2011

'11 Platty's

The statues are in the mail.

Here I go again, but not on my own. Thanks to the handful of people that gave input on what to do with the 2011 Platty's, the arbitrary, honorable mentions this site bestows each year, riffing on Thrasher's T'eddy Awards. Since we're talking awards, Turkey had one of the better quotes regarding this year's SOTY, Grant Taylor, who he called an "80's vert pro that can skate street." Take that as you will. The 2008, 2009 and 2010 Platty's can be found at the previous links.

Local Video Part of the Year: Steve Nesser for Adeline.

Honorable Mention: Davis Torgerson in "Since Day One."

Next Big Thing: Jack Olson.

"He's Really A Nice Kid": Jack Olson.

King Of Pop: Kirian Stone.

Comeback Kid: Jan Jacobson.

Best Twitterer: Jan Jacobson.

#WHYAREYOUYELLING?: Eddie Kochendorfer.


Second Best: #shitchucksays.

Bright Lights, Different City: Tucker Gerrick.

Filmer Who Skates Better Than You: Tim Fulton.

The Last Slice: Dana Ross.

Masonite Burns: Chad Benson.

Conspicuous Consumption: Judd Prozinsky.

Rad Dad: Adam Bovee.


Dude, Where's My Board?: Ben Ragsdale.

Wholesome: Tabari Cook.

Missing Intern: Kyle Henkler.

MIAA: Kevin Chartrand.


Shop Life: Dennis Burdick.

Weird Beard: CJ Tambornino.

Have You Seen Him?: Ryan Damian.

Taxi Driver/Back In The Saddle: Todd Brown.

Happy Feet: David Nelson.

Manny Mania: TJ Moran.

Once More Chicago's Finest: Neal Erickson.

Occupy Minneapolis: Rob Sissi.

Occupy Minneapolis With (More) Beer: Beer Up, Bro Down.

Grom Empire: 3rd Lair.

Blue Screen: Benji Meyer.

Butt-town Cometh: Alec Majerus.

Won The Battle If Not The War: Luke Hampton.

Iron Man: John Muldoon.

Who, Me Worry?: Chuck Odima.

Now You're A Man: David Jaimes.

Home Garage Sesh: Danny Jansen.

Happily Surprised: Plymouth Plaza.

Cross Trainer: Joe Sexton.

Union Thug: Ryan Hansen.

Resurrected: Backyard Ramp Jam.

Sightings: Andres Milstein.

Right Across The Red River: Todd Bratrud.

Team Management Aspirant: Jamiel Nowparvar.

Pajama Party On Weed: Cody Davis.

Quit Blogging: Andrew Leibman.

Still Blogging: Devolve.

Turns 10 In 2012: Platinumseagulls INC.

THE FINAL SAME DEAL; Twins: Dan Jackson.


Benjamin Ragsdale said...

say word

Benjamin Ragsdale said...

...and fyi bros, i found my board, bros.

sprntrl said...

Finding it is one thing. Question is did you dust it off and ride it yet? Heard the spots in Yemen are harsh.

simon said...

kevin is definitely missing in alcohol anonymous

Benjamin Ragsdale said...

There's actually a sick manny pad on the corniche in Aden, Yemen. I'd skate it during noon prayer on Fridays--when everyone was in the mosque. Jordan had sick skate spots.

Halfpipe of Odin said...

Backyard Ramp Jam Fucking Rules!

Anonymous said...

where is Reeves?

tucker said...

Thanks munzenheimer. Stoked to still be in the mix. See you next FRIDAY BIATCH.