Of course, this is the first post on this website in a long time. January coupled with the emergence of a truly lost Timberwolves season and freelance have lead to a ton of non-excuses, but maybe it was too cold to blog?
In any event, I'm going to mine my Twitter feed for links I thought were important. Let's do this in reverse, by date from the last time I posted here, on January 14.
January 14: The Deaf Lens interviewed Templeton Elliott about being perhaps the most well-known named skateboard blogger and perhaps being a robot. Elliott contends he is not a robot and talks about "Skate Time," which is a very real thing.
January 14: TJ Moran does tricks at the Familia HQ, he goes up; the dudes abide.
January 14: Clint Peterson has an ad; my current self thinks about the recent Fresh Air interview about Scientology (Scientology only mention in terms of Stereo Skateboards ownership).
January 15: I read a sublime and classic article about Ted Williams and learn about the death of Richard Ben Cramer; aspire to be that good at writing some day, remember the phrase, "This is a bitch of a line to draw in America's dust."
January 18: Tim Fulton put Flow Trash up for free download.
January 21: Jamiel Nowparvar gave the Familia HQ a new one, and stuff.
January 23: Quartersnacks interviewed Norwegian magazine maker Eirik Traavik, with the sick takeaway quote of "I think the focus on aesthetics as opposed to gnar factor is a natural consequence of how irrelevant being really, really good has become." I rembered that I'd seen a copy of Dank in the van in Oslo in 2011.
January 25: With the help of Mr. Elliott, once more, I seconded that Hugo Millards rips really well.
January 26: A New Balance blog posted photos of the NB skate shoes along with retail prices.
January 27: A social media site posted a breakdown of how social media was used to promote the Bones Brigade hagiography. The other takeaway from that link? Posting two weeks of "what I tweeted about because I thought it was interesting" actually has merit.
That is all; note that the still on the Jan video above is him on Highland Parkway. Linking to actual tweets seemed superfluous.