That robot bird up there means the sixth (known) installment of everybody's favorite arbitrary local(ish) skateboard shout-out awards are BACK, thunk up while I swill some beer and sit at my kitchen table listening to Belle & Sebastian and Russian techno. These are very important. PAST YEARS: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
All's Quiet On The Western Front: West metro videos?
Eastside Story: Vids out of STP; south of the river.
West(coast)side Story: Tim Fulton.
Local Boy Done Good: Tabari Cook.
Corporate Buyout: Summit Boardshop.
Best Instagram Feed: Dane Vaughn.
HQ Feat/To Flat: Ricky Nunn.
Don The Brown: Eddie Kochendorfer.
Future Rad Dad: Nate Compher!!!
Rad Dad: Todd Brown.
$70 Set Of Trucks: Judd Prozinski.
Man Of All Seasons: Dan Narloch.
Lil' Brudder, Ripper: Ben Narloch.
Nickname In Moderation: Dana Ross.
Will He or Won't He? Davis Torgerson.
Wedding Vids: Benji Meyer.
Dexterity: Grady Moquin.
Film Another One, Please: Corey Millett.
MSIM Shooter: Chad Benson.
Twitter Convo Topic: Dakota White.
Duck Dynasty: Gabe Alsaker.
Back Again, Gone Again: Mike Ohman.
Company Man: Kyle Henkler.
Favorite Tweeter: @PhilmrPhil.
Please, Flow No More: CJ Tambornino.
Why Nobody Gets To Claim "Old": Dan Jackson.
Flared: Steve Nesser.
Get Better: Aaron Christensen.
Only Liked The Old Ledges/Good Riddance: Metrodome.
Ernest At College: Dan Rusin.
Maybe Playing Bingo? Kyle JC.
It Happened: "Trueridden, All Over Again".
Principaled: TJ Moran.
Top Commenter/Dude Rips: Wylie Tueting.
Photos By: Alex Uncapher.
Growed Up? Dennis Burdick.
Bakken: Brian Heck.
MinneSOTY: Jack Olson.
love the plattys
Love the recognition after so much thought and so many typed-keys, and yet so much "but-why-I-am-actually-typing-this-right-now-when-not-many-people-care-nor-even-recognize-me? . . . !"
It was all so worth it.
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