August 1, 2013

"This Insane Article About The Skate Park"

Be aware, this demo is this Monday. More importantly:
Hat tip to Badger for alerting us to the fact that, contrary to the above, Rob Zombie hates skateboarders or something and has taken issue with a crappy little Connecticut skatepark.

Speaking of skateparks, Mike Ohman put together a summer edit at the HQ.

Wiskate's Bum Rush the Spot.

Also, if you're free Saturday night (though beware the Uptown Art Fair):


Badger said...

He is responding here, on his F-book page. Even Jeff Grosso put in his 2 cents!!!

Sam said...

Wow. I'm totally with him...that park sucks. In fact it sucks more than the realization you wasted 15 dollars buying all of astro creep when you should have just bought the More Human than Human single.