September 4, 2008

The Big Booya

Lurked on youtube and stumbled upon the foote of Davis above. It appears to be from his bonus foote in Boondoggle. Sick. I also heard he may have been promoted, we'll see. Actual content soon.


Anonymous said...

this ones longer but doesn't have any music

Anonymous said...

Never in my life would I have thought a video part would use "I Am The Resurrection" by The Stone Roses as background music (even if it is for footy that didn't make the cut for Davis's Boon-digi part). I'm amazed, partially stoked, and equal parts perplexed. Well done to whoever had the balls to use that song. However, I would argue there are waaaaay better Stone Roses songs that have yet to be mined by the skateboard video world. Happy hunting, douche bags.

Anonymous said...

The Stone Roses have been in a bunch of videos. British ones (landscape), of course, but yeah, also good 'ol USA ones (nike, consolidated) too. Really that surprising? They're a huge band.

Anonymous said...

p.s. did that sound sour? i'm just sad and heartbroken cause i've been planning on using this song for awhile.


Anonymous said...

I would rather watch the one with no music. After seeing how you babies bitch about some songs. Did you fucks even watch the skating? This kid kinda rips, maybe harder than you. So let him take some stupid little ass song. Any band you think you're gonna skate to, has already been in some video somewhere!

Anonymous said...

To the esteemed Wiskate -

Apparently, I've been called out by an eminent force in the Midwestern skateboard website world for the fraud that I am, but its all good. Truth be told, I've been out of the skateboard "scene" for quite some time now due to blah blah, blah, and don't keep up on all of the skate videos released in the industry. I'm not surprised British videos would have the Stone Roses in them, but I am honestly taken aback by companies such as Nike and Consolidated (sorry, I haven't seen either videos containing songs from a band that hasn't released an album since the British music critic's tepid reception of "Second Coming" in 1994 [U.S. release in 1995]) that would use this seemingly dated band's music in their videos. So I am slightly amused by your mildly sarcastic response to my post in which you referred to the Stone Roses as "a huge band." Seriously? Huge? Perhaps in your mind and mine (from one fan to another) The Stone Roses are a "huge band," but in all reality, they are not a "huge band" outside of Great Britain. Buck up, Wiskate. There's got to be an acceptable Stone Roses song you can use in the next Beez epic, right?!

P.S. I know some of you Wiskate dudes are huge Smiths/Morrissey fans. Perhaps an alliance would be more beneficial than a lame "post war" on The Plat? Regardless, "Back to the Old House" will always be my favorite Smiths song. Please let me know if anyone has used that one in an HD, slow-mo, carefully edited, after black ender. For the record, I'd prefer that you take this opportunity to cut me down and show me how ignorant I am of modern skate video song selections to ensure your preeminence in the world of Midwestern skateboarding websites.

P.P.S. Your post did sound somewhat sour. However, I'm confident you can find far better songs to use from the Stone Roses' catalogue for whatever you were planning to use "I Am The Resurrection" for. Cheers from MN!

PhilmerPhil said...

Some random person must've ripped the bonus from the DVD and edited that themselves. I take no responsibility for the selection of music!

Unknown said...

my fellow friend in british music, i was not trying to cut anyone down, just merely pointing out the fact that using our friend ian brown's (come to think of it some of his solo stuff has been used in videos too) tunes isn't all that surprising since it's happened before and shall happen again. i apologize for any malice you may have perceived. no truce is needed since we are obviously on the same side!
