November 12, 2010

Stearns County Shine

Again with this place. It looks pretty damn fun, especially in the above edit.

Quartersnacks has a great interview with Kalis. I'd say its pretty much a must read simply because he's the most outspoken dude in the industry. Interesting that he cites Grant Taylor's personality (or lack thereof) as a contributing factor to quitting AWS.


jonathan FUCKING RICHMAN said...

wow man he kept it super super real. that is sick

Wylie Tueting said...

I, personally, like the fact that Kalis didn't hesitate to make fun of Dill also. It is about time. Ain't nothin' wrong nohow with making fun of lazy burn-outs who think they can speak well.

jonathan FUCKING RICHMAN said...

I also like how he points out that dill always talked about drugs.