November 10, 2010

Shred Coed: Autumn Action

Friend of the Plat and local do-gooder Seth McCallum runs a non-profit called Shred-Coed, and tomorrow night is there second event. The details above are pretty clear, Jammin' Jay will be spinning, there's a ramp and beers and food, and there will also be auctions and a raffle. Make special note that the donation cost above is only a suggested--word from Zed himself is that you could show up with a buck, and you're good. Support a good dude and a good cause, check it out tomorrow night.

Jerboi Nordness shows up on the TSM site, and a the rest of what I was going to put here isn't on the internet anymore. Ho-hum.

Here's a clip of the St Cloud plaza, via Youth Shelter. Super rad that they lit that place up--times running out.

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