August 2, 2011

Signed, Sealed.

Just a cool photo...

Luke links to Ragsdale's photos from last month's BUBD 4. Good times but the Rags took off too early.

Oh contract work. McGuire gets photo credit in the Time's Home & Garden section, but I have a feeling it's only going to be a resume builder.

Take a trip down the rabbit's hole with the amazing One gem found there is this '92 Village Voice write up about Gator. If one must quibble, Corey Johnson spelled "lien" wrong.

As I write this, it's still Davis' birthday. Happy birthday fewl.

CJ's beard continues to amaze.


HENKLER said...

This might be showing my youth in skateboarding, but that was the first time I had heard the full Gator story. Pretty intense.

platinumseagulls said...

For what it's worth, reading that filled in a lot of holes in the story for me. I'd always thought the girl he killed was in the Tom Petty video; that's proven to be false.

Scott said...

Never watched it but I know there's a documentary about the life and times of gator.

It's called 'Stoked: The Rise and Fall of Gator' and I think its on Netflix Instant.

jonathan richman said...

stoked is mega pimp

Benjamin Ragsdale said...

I think that's it Ingmar Bergman in the picture, on the set of the Seventh Seal. Just sayin'

platinumseagulls said...

Ben, yup. I pretend they're playing chess. The post title was a glancing reference to the film.

Augie said...

maize put this BUBD vid together:

sprntrl said...

can we get an update? Is Henckler still on the payroll or what???