July 29, 2011

Intern Me On

Be A Manwolf Today from éS Skateboarding on Vimeo.

McCrank rules.
Finally made it up to St. Cloud this week. The park is pretty sick, and the locals are even sick-er. I threw a little video together of the afternoon.
Me: "Dan, what you got there? BBQ sauce?"
Dan: (snicker) "You know it. I don't run these stock."


sprntrl said...

Hencker. What's up with the dead link to your St Could mission? Also, as the new intern, don't you have a minimal weekly post obligation? Seems like Munz is still doing all the heavy lifting.......

HENKLER said...

Link seems to be working for me?
I've got no excuses for the lack of updating, and I'm already on thin ice with platinum inc. management... I gotta get my shit together!

sprntrl said...

link still isnt working for me dog..... How bout a new post w it?