December 30, 2010


All and everything about 2010 that could potentially stress me out is over, done. Last deadline hit, last grade back (an A-), last Twolves game played (an alluded to loss, a moral victory?). While the Platty's that I posted a week and a half back could be seen as some sort of end of the year roundup, they're not that exactly, so here are some points about the last year that weren't mentioned, that should be.

Remember Chris Thatcher. Our skate scene is generally untouched by tragedy, and when it is, it hurts, a lot.

The head count on indoor skateparks in town continues to wax and wane. 3rd Lair Burnsville gone, while Summit Skatepark has made it a year. Did Showcase close this year too? I don't know.

Ascendant this year were private indoor spaces. The Hiawatha soldiers on through bumps bruises as a veritable mecca, and all the other spots being built with quirky names that house bowls escape my memory, but they're proliferating, spawning scenes all their own.

Is skateboarding downtown going out of style? Dan Narloch's Flow Trash part suggests otherwise, appearing to having been filmed in about two square miles down there, but outside of that maybe it is. I blame the advent of having to purposefully go street skating, an idea that is just about as ridiculous as "short-boarding" versus longboarding.

Meandering...The purpose of this and the sparking idea, is the little overlooked gem that Nesser told Chris Nieratko on ESPN. Steve's New Year's resolution: "Start a club in Minneapolis." That's something.

Happy New Years. Benji takes over for the next week.

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