Guest Blogger: Mike@HYSTK™
Lost 2 from the villa of the trillest yesterday. Woke up pretty damn late too. Warmed up ourselves and some leftovers from the barbeque... Yacare, Nandu, Dorado and Puro Cacao chocolate from the homey Rodrigo. "ESSENTIAL!" Wash off the previous evening... Bad decisions... Check. Could get out of the house in less than 2 hours, but we prefer our eyes low. Back to Plaza Houssay for some grime and some tricks. Neeno Brown was passing out turkeys all day and CJ was getting it in as usual. On to an evening of "Essential!" Argentinian nightlife... La Tiempo Bomba might be the coolest party in the Americas. The Time Bomb = Warehouse full of people gigging harder than seems conceivable - About 500 GORGEOUS women - Best drum circle in the world with "one of the most amazing sound engineers in the game dood" (JP) - plus after parties all night. Our friend Brian was playing with Africa Lunes at Uni Club under the leadership of Chiekh Geuye after... So it was on to handing out some pizza puffs. Hop-a-long Whodi turned 26 today and was KILLING the game this evening. Imperical data has shown, in the wild, the Whodi has been know to hand out pizza puffs even when he can't speak the language... or walk. After too much fun... Hearts were broken and Bobs slept in doorways of apartment buildings "for a little nap" on the stumble home. For tomorrow, checking out some cattle and hanging out on rooftops. As far as the future... Las Cosas se van a poner locas.
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um, here's your clip miss
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