October 23, 2008

One Ticket To Robotic Bonerville Please

Gaffled video of Mike Graham from Damian, it's pretty hype.

Another one jacked from Damian! The first thing really wasn't robotic, but this one is quite a bit more.

And then this shit. Seattle's finest, six hours to film as much bangerness as possible, and some money on the line. I must say, I'm mad impressed.

All right now...I've hit some personal-say skate milestones in my life. I got a clip in 411 (a slam, but it counts, and I was in the bonus under three different names), and I've written stuff for magazines, and I've managed to get a couple of really small skate photos printed...BUT YO! Today I emailed NPR's Talk of the Nation and they read my email on the air. It was about using the price of PBR as an economic indicator. Give it a listen here, click on the "listen now", and keep your ears open around the 5:00 minute mark for the email from Mike in Minneapolis. Milestones!


Anonymous said...

Munz, you posted a "javascript" link instead of the url link. Since The Plat does not have the right javascripts hooked-up, nothing happens. You need to put a url(http//:www.something.com/something/etc) inside the href="" instead. Please, I am dying to hear this.

platinumseagulls said...

Thanks! Changing it...

Anonymous said...

damn that was some craze nerd shit.

Scott said...

You aren't shit until they read your email on NPR.

Anonymous said...

i listened! don't listen to those fools. i think it was awesome.

platinumseagulls said...

If you didn't know that I'm always on some crazy nerd shit, well then, you don't know who I'm is.

Anonymous said...

Rad...now can you tie PBR into a Science Friday string theory conversation?

Anonymous said...