September 22, 2008

Take Your Pick

Take your pick, it's Quy Nguyen versus Grant Patterson skating to the same Black Moon song some ten or so years apart. Haven't heard much from Quy since the turn of the century, and we haven't heard much from Mr. Patterson since, '05, so really it's a choice between Quy's mean fakie flip and proper poppiness before it was fully en vogue, against Patterson doing some really hard stuff and some nollie late flips. On the downer side for both, Quy is still skating curbs here and there, and Patterson is still doing nollie late flips here and there.

First round of "Take Your Pick", in my humble yet correct opinion, goes to Quy Nguyen. Remind me of some other dudes that have skated to the same song and we'll do this again.


DMB said...

Billy Idol 'Dancing by myself was ruthlessly stolen from our beloved Shitheads Vol 8...I forget his name I just remember his shitty Santa Cruz "Italian Stallion" 411 commercial.

Anonymous said...

"Buckshot shorty makin sounds like an automatic"

Quy wins; he's not cross-dressed in his part.

As for the Italian Stallion thing I bet it was Steffan Attardo.

Anonymous said...

Dipshitmanbrah that billy idol song was not in shitheads vol 8. Rewatch your vids dork.

Anonymous said...

What about Koston in Next vs. Dyrdek in the D.C. vid. Rakim "Know the Ledge".

platinumseagulls said...

Anonymous #2, and Viking, "Dancing With Myself" was in Anonymous as the credits song. And it was Steffan Attardo that later skated to it. Is Anonymous #2 the mantis? We will never know, nor care.

Anonymous said...

no i'm not the mantis. but that badass motherfucker ruled! but i was right fuck face!

Anonymous said...

it's sad the mantis is done. he would have a few things to say? like fuck you. but the mantis army/followers, will never forget what he started. and keep on the tradition. of talking shit! join now talk shit to this website. MANTIS ARMY RULES!

Anonymous said...

I heard Mantis is on Glue Factory now.....

Anonymous said...

Quy for the time it was filmed....Gino 6 anyone?

Anonymous said...

What about Markovich in the first 101 vid,and Lutzka in Round 3.Shit,Lutzka even does a cliff jump at the start of his part too.

Anonymous said...

What vid is that Quy part from? That's skating kills what's goin on today. He probably enjoyed himself more than most today...