This is interesting in a bajillion different ways. It's pretty much agreed upon that the current way the newspaper industry is being run isn't working. They're cutting staff, cutting bureaus, cutting coverage, and so on. It's been going that way for a while now, and this recent development may or may not be a signal that it's creeping over into the magazine side. This line of thought brings up another question: is everybody at Slap keeping their job? And yet another question: what's happening at High Speed Productions (who don't have a website), the publishing parent of Slap, Thrasher and Juxtapoz? Who knows?
All in all, I don't think I'll miss printed copies of Slap, as in my opinion, after the many identity crises they've had over the past couple of years, they become less and less relevant. What has me semi-alarmed is that this may be a sign of things to come. As stated above, I don't know exactly why Slap is going all digital (their answers seem slightly contrived. Being on the cutting edge and trying to be environmentally sound might sound good, but it also sounds like budget cuts.) but it just seems like it can't be good. I've always thought that, while newspapers are churned out daily, are low quality and highly disposable, a monthly magazine is completely different, of at times awesome quality, and generally something to hang onto. Am I in the minority with these feelings? Maybe, kids these days as they are of course...
As of this writing, there's two comments on the post linked above, but I'm sure that number is going to balloon quickly. And I'm pretty sure like the two already posted, they will mostly be uniformly negative. Will reader backlash perhaps change some minds at High Speed? Not likely. Which goes back to the causes of this, money. Hopefully all this ends up being is a parent company in the process of letting it's schizophrenic son go, and not something indicative of larger and more important things to come. Thanks for the memories Slap.
In a side rant, what the hell was that quote about the message board? Oh, sorry, the forum? Their quotation marks, "last outpost of free speech in skateboarding"? You're taking the damn thing that seriously? Who actually said that? Or is this a situation where you realized just how stupid what you were saying was, so you tried to deflect by throwing in the old quotes? I don't know, let's get back to arguing about beer.
I think the quote is from Chris Nieratko - he said something to that effect at the adidas Tim 'O Connor Roast.
Holy shit, I didn't know I pissed you off enough to start a poll. But it should have been,"The Mantis poll on non pussy ass beverages". The Mantis is here and I'm gonna make a stink in the platinum seagulls world like hungover beer farts. Also if you did vote Tall Boys you moved up in my book, that puts you at one. As for keith(human) I must have shut him down just like all the girls do to him. Bitch tits are a big turn off my friend.
AKA: The mag is dyin' AKA: last move
AKA: no one cares about print mags anymore. except THE MAG
Oh Mr. Mantis. I know that's someone's nickname and I'm pretty sure I'll figure out who soon. As for being pissed off, no, you're wrong. The poll is for the sake of continuing discussion of something that seems to be something that people want to discuss. You're the one keeping tabs on my website, so continue to make a stink, I'm more than flattered. And, cho ass.
Mantis Rules! Keep 'em comin' bro. Sweet Titties!!!!!!
I agree that print is relevant and meaningful...but it seems to be a losing battle. I rue the day when books go the way of newspapers (and now apparently mags). *Shudder*
and p.s. nice hipster drink poll
Print is dead. Long live print.
you guys are all DORKS. Go Skateboarding and stop caring.
Man why don't you post something else so I can stop looking at that Slap cover with your top three pro skaters that will have a next ad for Coors Light. Everyone that votes for Coors Light has to love Sheckler. I mean he's a grom/jock, has that jock/fratboy back tat, loves his allover print clothing, and last but not least for the main fanbase of Coors Light he has a Proactiv Ad. So after you are free of acne you can attend that after prom party.
nut smell you are right mantis rules!keep'em coming is right. mantis you should start your own website or it should be platinumseagulls with cohost the mantis.like david letterman and max weinberg or jay and silent bob
David Letterman musical dude is Paul Shaffer. Conan O'Brien is Max Weinberg.
Keep this in mind too. Ryan Sheckler has more money than you will ever have. He has sex with much more attractive women and in larger numbers than you will ever have. And he was born with both sets of genitalia.
I think I'm the only one who voted for Sparks. But, in my defense, currently in our fridge is a dirty 30 of Coors light, a 12'er of Pabst and a 12'er of Hamms. Yes, Hamms. Beer is definitely regional. So-cal gaywads love Coors Light. AZ queers drink the Milwaukee's Best. Milwaukeeans drink the Pabst or Miller High Life. Florida peeps drink their own piss and I think East coast hipsters will drink whatever Vice magazine tells them to.
We here in the Horny House like to keep our horizons wide and delicious and do not discriminate against labels.
the thought that printed media is headed for extinction is indeed scary yet not likely on the verge of happening anytime soon. for one its a collectible just like vinyl records. beyond the misconception of mainstream consciousness records are still being printed, played, and collected just like they always have been. Some bands strictly release nothing but vinyl. Digital media is fast and convenient although i feel it lacks the same feeling and satisfaction of actually owning it. i can sit in front of my computer and listen to music all day but its not the same as when i listen to an old record. it transcends the realm of just being a song in an endless stream of sound and actually becomes my music. holding the cover in my hands, looking at the artwork and reading the lyrics while the warm fuzz of the platter seeps into my ears. i suppose this probably sounds rather strange to todays youth contingent but who really cares about them anyhow? most of them can't even write in cursive or even know their own address for pete's sake. there is a difference between analog and digital music the same as there's a difference between print and the internet. i know i wouldn't want to read a comic or graphic novel on line. it wouldn't be the same. as for skate mag's its the same deal. i collect thrasher and have about 200 issues dating back to 1985. there's a certain nostalgia to looking at a mag from back when i was a young prepubescent lad. the aged newspaper pages and that wonderful smell that old books contain have a certain effect that a cold emotionless computer screen could never capture or compare too. its like a time capsule preserved for that special moment that you want to look at an old picture of neil blender doing a frontside rock or perhaps read about what insane bands Pushead was listening to in 1989. call me old fashioned or a nerd but trends come and go. at least i know what i like. as for slap downsizing and turning digital, well so be it. i always regarded it as thrashers confused little teenage step sister. high speeds churns out two great publications and slap probably just wasn't making in the cut in todays media saturated world. now shoot your computer and go skate. bitch lips.
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