April 1, 2013

A Generation

At this point it's mayor-approved: Happy 25th, Calsurf. Calsurf wasn't the first shop I went to, but the first shop to which I really went. Thanks for the help, guys.

There's also this, from space:

And, from last week, Nesser at the HQ. Snuck that one in before the official official moratorium on park footage goes into effect, concurrent with the first pitch at Target Field.


Wylie Tueting said...

Nesser footage is progressive, and Mayor Rybak's declaration is even more so; but I think Mark Suciu's Philadelphia Adidas part deserves major recognition also. For I like honest style, and I like particular places in America, and that part's got both in four lovely minutes. Let it show already! It's all good . . . Gillette's down with him too.

Anonymous said...

According to the Skate Blog Rulebook, Article C, Item 14, moratorium's on park footage are not effective until "all local snow has dissapated; or said moratorium has been declared 'official official official'". Glue Factory Familia HQ edit is coming soon.

-Dan Jackson


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4KhKTlTG6I&list=UUSno_5HaCXtUSCAuBwTmDXw&index=1 WOW! KNOX GOODOY JR AT FAM HQ! WORLDSTAR BEEF!!! EPICCCCCC!!!!