February 14, 2013

The Number One Crew In The Area

Frenchman Leo Valls makes doing a little look like more. He's all feet and board (and benefits greatly from some video man with a light in the other hand) and engenius jump-cutting to make NYC seem like a place that's flat and pushed around. The world's a market, globalization, blah blah, it's too bad the world's supply of Big L songs is running low; if anything, the skateboarding looks dangerous.


SPRNTRL said...

Best edit I've seen in quit some time. Heading to NYC this spring for sure.

Anonymous said...

Unimpressed. Too many powerslides. Documentation of skateboarding of this caliber is unnecessary.

jonathan richman said...

this is so absolutely sick. talk about a video making you want to go skate!!!!!

sprntrl said...

While I do agree w the bit about the powerslides I think those that like the video do so mostly because of the filming/editing and the overall look and feel of the video vs some flip in flip out craze. Sometimes it's nice to see skateboarding that is within reach. To each his own.

Professor said...

i wonder if the filmer always holds the light in a separate hand?

Jake said...

Pushing, cruising, riding. Hyped.