December 11, 2012

Debris & Homegrown Double Feature

This will be mega: The almost unprecedented showing of two local skateboard movies produced concurrently by a group of video dudes who managed to break up but remain friends followed by an after party at one of the finest dive-bars in town. Lucky us.

That said, it's getting tougher and tougher to find theaters in town that A: are affordable enough for skateboard video premieres and B: want to show skateboard video premieres in the first place. Word's spread around town that people tag stuff and break stuff and leave a ton of empty beer containers at theaters that hold premieres, so don't do that. Tim Fulton, Pete Spooner and Phil Schwartz have a sizable deposit on the theatre, so don't be a jerk. The beer's going to be colder at the Vegas Lounge, anyways.

Fulton just put together a pre-premiere bonus section for Home Grown, peep:


danrusin said...

Super hyped for both of these videos! I heard Jan's part in Debris is pretty crazy. I'm expecting both of these vids to be must-buys.

Other videos coming out soon include Minnesota Militia, which is premiering this Saturday at Summit, and Play Date premieres the day after Debris/Home Grown at Familia HQ.

Also, hit up Kyle Baca for a copy of Our Civilization, which premiered a couple weeks ago.

Premiere season is underway, I'm excited to see all these local videos coming to fruition!

Halfpipe of Odin said...

Im sure theres a skateboarder around town with a projector and a warehouse! More is less, Let's Party!

Badger said...

not sure it can top "DL" from '96. Think Olu is still bummed on "the swimmer". Naw, shit looks good! MN be killing it in the skate game these days.

Charley said...

I just got more hyped on kirian's kickflip than Mj's new part! jeez that was good!