December 27, 2012


Glue Factory with its Christmas video above, along with their latest and greatest "ad" below: The kids on Hella Clips weren't quite in on the joke. More to come, gotta watch Debris and Home Grown. Got suggestions for the "hot on Twitter" idea of "MinneSOTY?" Put 'em in the comments.


pete said...

MinneSOTY poll! I think dudes in the running should for sure be Pat G, Jan and Jack Olsen to start things off...

Dan Rusin said...

Pat Gallaher and Jan Jacobson are my top contenders for MinneSOTY

Badger said...

To be honest, I have lost track of all the young guns coming out of MPLS these days. So I'm going to stick with my personal favorite, Tabari Cook. He's makes skating look fun, put out a ton of footage this year, and always has a smile on his face. Play on player

Anonymous said...

PAT. haven't seen homegrown yet but throwing a David Nelson vote out there as well