March 20, 2012

North and About

Quickly: Sam McGuire has a website that's fairly new called North and About, a credit's section of sort on the web, a place to put content that never found a home elsewhere. Be sure to make your browser extra big when you look at it. It's pretty cool.

Someone posted this in the previous post's comment section. Shame on you for reminding me.


A.C. Slayer said...

Another reason to dislike Felipe..

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Use some judgment. That Felipe post at least provided comic relief for the grotesque video content... Geezus christ!

Anonymous said...

A video about a little kid suffering a concussion is about as cool as babies being born addicted to pain pills.

platinumseagulls said...

Yeah, I was about to say the same thing: "Sweet, some dipshit just gave his kid a concussion." Sad thing about our Internet that idiocy only breeds idiocy.

Benjamin Ragsdale said...

When I was a junior in high school, I tried a tre flip in the Byerly's Edina parking lot. Primo, landed on my face. End of session. I haven't been able to do them consistently since. That was 45 years ago.

jonathan richman said...

That was 45 years ago.
