March 22, 2011


Mini Video 74 - After Credits 2010 - from Josh Ellis on Vimeo.

We're still good at proffering on other people's edits and stuff, but I don't feel all that bad nowadays since Meyer has been churning out somethings. Wiskate has done a good one once again with the outtakes. I'm optimistic that some day I'll skate as much as those dudes do and look as cool too. It's amazing that Ellis took the washed out bleakness of the GL-1 that was so signatory of Milwaukee, and replaced it with an HD-ness that works extremely well as well. No quibbles here.


Danny said...

my god.

that was simply amazing. made everything good and awesome about skateboarding present in audio/visual format...


Wylie Tueting said...

It seems as if Wisconsin has a greater variety of unique skate spots than Minnesota, or perhaps the Wisconsin guys just make use of more spots that normative skaters wouldn't take the time to skate. What do you think, Mike?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Wylie, I feel like there a hundred new spots in every single mini-video.

Unknown said...

I think most of those spots are just in Milwaukee, and I think a lot of dudes in Minneapolis are blessed by a really good downtown that also curses them with complacency.