May 5, 2010

Crazy Sexy Kewl

Watching teenagers party still isn't cool but now I'm sold on Daniel Espinoza. The lipslide to tailslide to lipslide sealed the deal.

I suggest you watch Star Wars lego video. Its episodes 4-6.

Back to writing papers.

Edit: Stephen Hawking on how to build a time machine. Nerd out.


Anonymous said...

i think you mean lipslide to tailslide to lipslide.

platinumseagulls said...

Yeah I did. Changed.

Wylie Tueting said...

When you were speaking of Spinoza, Mike, you forgot to put a comma after the word "cool" and before "but" - to mark it as a compound sentence. Come on, man, "but" is a coordinating conjunction!

platinumseagulls said...

If we're going to go there Wylie, I'd like to point out that his last name is Espinoza, not Spinoza. But luckily, we're not going there, are we?

Wylie Tueting said...

Well, you got me there! Better luck next time, I guess . . . You don't dig pedantry?

Anonymous said...
