April 15, 2010

Updating in order to Update

The O.U.T. Contest has been moved to May 23rd, and a couple hundred dollars have been added to the pot. Also of note, 3rd Lair has simplified their website and devoted all of their day-to-day updates to their Facebook page because that's all that kids are looking at anyways. In two years or so its going to be strictly on the Twitter tip. FYI, I'm now backing Twitter hard; it set up an ill session last Friday, and via Twitter, I still don't have to give a shit about what people I went to high school with are doing. Right? Debate the veracity of Twitter in the comments.


Anonymous said...

totally agree with you. who cares about every little detail of someone you once sat next to in math class.

typoscura said...

still not backin twitter.

Anonymous said...


homospence666 said...

twitter is painful lame.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Typoscura I'm not backing Twitter either!