Lost in the seemingly pointless football-babble of yesterpost was a link to Mr. McGuire's wonderfully re-worked website; the above photo of Narloch is straight from there, hit it up for more hype.
The unabashedly opinionated Hessian Joe blogs! As he says, "be less of a pussy and party more."
For some reason, Chris Troy's Mag Minute reminds me of a backsmith happy Brian Heck. It might have been the nosebluntslide grab out.
Tim Olson doing a bunch of tricks that just beg for a "stepping on something" pun. Or stepping out. Or hopping. Yeah.
Sam, Davis, and I all agree that this is the worst fucking song ever. But we still get hyped when it comes on the radio.
Busenitz for SOTY '09? I know you were watching the Skatepark Website this weekend...
Fill up my cup
Mazel tov
That song smokes a dude.
It was a bummer Busenitz didn't win, cause WOW was that game fresh!
Unbashedly! Hey Munz Lets Party!
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