October 20, 2008

Robotic Boner Won't Let Me Text

In case you've been sleeping somewhere for a very long time, above is CJ Tambornino's part from Boondoggle, which you can purchase by clicking on the banner at right. I've seen that part a million times, and still can't help but watching it again and again.

Mondays just keep getting trifer and trifer for me. Without a doubt they are met with muscle pain from whatever the weekend's activities were, and normally they also are the first day since Saturday morning that I feel like a proper human being. Now take into account that I lost half of my last pair of contacts Saturday night, and that I've been wearing my glasses for a day and a half now, and I feel like a goon. It's five business days before I've got more 'tacts, trife, I know.

An interesting eulogy for Van Wastell nabbed from BTO, that at least leaves the door open for other, admittedly sad, explanations.

Luke posted up the results of Ramp Jam on the Handjob site. Check for your name on there and claim your free shit. In other equally pressing news, I've received about 127 emails regarding the footage from Vang's Bachelor Party; really.

So is the state of my brain on weekends; I totally forgot about the Cruiser Classic (though I did get out and shred, I swear). Peep the comments in the post below for results.

I know we're still only in the preseason and this essentially means nothing, but if Foye can manage more games with 15 assists to two turnovers, we're in for a fun season. Is my fantasy basketball draft tonight? Nah, last night.

Rob, my internet is working again. Please don't change your homepage.


Anonymous said...

CJ is the best dude ever...! Nicest dude and a sick ass skater. keep up that work SON!

Anonymous said...

when is CJ gonna start his rap carrer like JR(Jereme Rogers).somebody tell that kid hes WHITE and a redhead on top of that.

platinumseagulls said...

I think you should tell him man. You could change his life!

aplusen said...

Off the subject but hopefully you'll get to see the munz in his spectackles. I want to see you film a line in those things.


Anonymous said...

If you have hate for CJ, then you've never talked to the kid. He puts the G in genuine.

Anonymous said...

Somebody should tell that kid with a face full of pimples that never gets laid to quit rippin on people he doesn't know. And get out and actually skate. CJ's the shnitzel!