October 31, 2008

Plat/Nike Trivia Dorkfest

It's pretty simple, name the skater that murdered the rails in the photo of Rattray below, and in which video it all happened in. Put your answers in the comments. First correct answer gets a pair of Nikes from Sissi; make sure we can somehow get at you in the comments, so leave a full name, aight?


Anonymous said...

That is a easy one, but I don't think that I am eligible. Don't worry I won't spoil it.

Unknown said...

you may not know him now...


markus wyndham.

mail all shoes to gary @ wiskate.com

Unknown said...

i forgot to include that he shredded the handpole in hstreet hokus pocus.

also killed the same rail in the less known/appreciated "risk it: gambling with gravity" with a one foot tail grab to 5-0. so tight!

Anonymous said...

The correct spelling is Marcus Wyndham. I think he is a school teacher theses days.

JReed said...

Ocean Howell, Hokus Pokus

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh that's gotta be Marcus Wyndman. He killed that spot.


Anonymous said...

Cough up some lakai's and you'll get an answer! Bitch!

Anonymous said...

Cough up some lakai's and you'll get an answer! Bitch!

THE HESH said...

I heard it was Lawrence "ballsmoker" wingtip