Ah booze. Then the weekend after said bachelor party started with this dude at 331 and then just spun out of control with bon-fires, zombie paint, and robotic boners. Then this weekend...it's wedding time, and wile out time, and waste a day time, well documented by the The Dude Man Brah and Mr. Robotic Boner himself (note the plug for Hump Day/Night Moves premiere). Anyways, I don't think there's a point in much of what I just wrote. A Month Spent Wasted? A Month Wasting, all emo and shit? A Waste of Time reading all this? Maybe, maybe. Either way, it's Halloween weekend this weekend, so I know what to expect.
In other news, I'm hoping to be saying with much certainty that a David Jaimes Mag Minute will be hitting the fiber-optics of the interweb in just about two weeks exactly. While it dabbles in some Boondoggle foote, there is some new shit for the die-hards, but hell, get the word out right? St Paul getting buck at its best.
What else? The regular season of the NBA starts with a couple of bangers tonight. Speaking of those bangers tonight, The Celtics are indeed playing, and I am indeed still a huge KG fan, so this awesome piece about him right here seems oh so appropriate. He is in no way scared of your kung fu bullshit, that's for sure, and I might just have to re-watch his Finals speech. That was the best shit ever.
As a nod to Tha Dolo, and as a mention of Agent Banks, there're a couple of Cody Davis clips in this Damn Am clip, hopefully sans dreadlocks forever this time around. Costa Mesa is fun...what else? Some of that shit that kids were doing in best trick just has to go. If I remember, double flips weren't tight the first time around, so why should it be any better now? The double 360 flip is about as lottery as it gets, and looks it too, and I think I also saw a double hardflip backside 180 (sorry, not rewatching it, out of principle)? Ugh, as chaboy Sam would say. Congrats to Cody for getting second for sure, keep coming up fool!
Who's gonna be SOTY? Comments section.
I'm psyched on this photo, I'm out!
Funny how all of Bastien Salabanzi's new footage is all of his old tricks, but double-flipped. As long as "Pressure-flips" are forever dead, I can deal.
1. What is with the lumberjack motif in clothing? Throw in that scarf and you're really rocking a hip lumberjack.
2. SOTY = Don't know but I do have a question. Has there ever been a year where "said" skater of the year bursts onto the scene and is literally ripping peoples skulls from their skin? I mean everyone is hyped beyond belief??? Of course this happens but you should do a Top 5 Skaters of the Year Who Then Flame out and are Never Heard From Again.
Think of it as a behind the music for Skaters of the Year...with the obligatory "But XXX is back on track and in the recording studio!" type ending.
3. I think now that I'm in LA I should start a skateboarding gossip site? You in...PEREZ MUNZENRIDER?
I just happened to wear the shirt out one night, sleep not in my bed, and then just start all over again, having picked up the scarf. No conscious lumberjacking going on.
The flame out list is tough, I'll think about that.
I've made an effort to have really no idea who this Perez Hilton character is, if only by name, so I'll have to graciously decline...but maybe we can think it over again later.
I'll back Silas, but is he Phelps approved, flashy enough, obvious enough? I say no to many of those things, but you're right, he wins.
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