Speaking of the comments, sadly, it doesn't seem like the "Pilsbury P" contest will be happening anytime soon, because for all intents and purposes, that would suck. I mean, just think about it. At the Red Wave event me and the ultra hated B-Show had floated the idea of a "Steep Bank Of Doom Contest" (the metal sculpture bank formerly on the corners of Central and University), but alas, that would suck maybe not as much as a "P" contest, but it would nonetheless suck. Word on the street is that the sculpture bank is sitting somewhere behind St. Thomas though, someone should try to steal it? Huh? Shakas.
My Pillsbury contest would be sweet. You know some other hipster, scenester, and gayasscommenterfuckster, would think it's sweet. Also, have a poll on how saying any words ending with "ster" is totally gay. For example: Hipster, Scenester, Fagster, etc. Make a giant "M" instead of the "P" for the contest.
Fuck Pillsbury make the "M" mantis rules! Fuck Seagullsters!
Sounds like the mantis has got y'all figured out. Plus y'all racist with your white power shit!
M! for hardbuddas!
"ultra hated B-Show"?
Since we're on the dumb idea turned contest mindset, why not have a mini vert ramp contest, a flat-ground contest at the Edina park, a pour-a-concrete-obstacle-at-your-friends-(or enemies)-house-without-them-knowing-about-it contest, a board focusing contest, a how fast can you change your set-up contest, a best artsy grip-tape job contest, a longest uphill manual contest, and a how long can you go without skateboarding contest... for starters...
Jammin Jay put the nail in the coffin. End of story.
let's do a pour-your-own obstacle contest and then put the mantis in it mafia-style before it hardens... for starters.
Who keeps posting as me! The real MANTIS. I totally agree with Jamming Jay on the contests. But for the fag that posted as me. I did a little looking up on everybody's hero the B-show, and you might enjoy this. Adult Movies & Gay Porn Videos Starring Chad Benson
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www.gamelink.com/display_star.jhtml?id=6230 On that note I'm fucking done with this worthless ass website, crybaby bitches that comment on it as me, and how pathetically gay it is that you all can't take a little shit! You all got the shit kicked out of you in high school for being skaters, and now skateboarding is cool, So you all think your way fucking cool now, great?
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