November 24, 2015

'New York to Chicago'

It's a 7-minute clip that pays -- I'm usually skeptical -- Grady Moquin and Shane Brown did New York for Village Psychic putting together the proper out-of-towners non-tourist clip. Digging the endurance on those two, and their friends, including one of Quim Cardona's better showings in a while.


Chicago skateboarding has always struck me as having some "what we do is secret" vibes. Uprise put out a video about a year ago and while I'd love to watch it far more than most of the stuff that's easier to find, I've yet been afforded an opportunity to peep it. The unknown past is sometimes as interesting as the recent present -- enter the excellent IG account of Wing Ko.

And the thrilling clip here, if only for kid speed:
The clips above are from the Ko directed movie called The Brotherhood: Chicago and while it appears the scheduled showings were exhausted about two weeks ago, I'd love to see that thing sometime in Minne. Poke around Ko's Instagram to see lots of seemingly timeless skateboarding clips. The 16mm film format definitely helps -- the clips are clear and vividly life-like, a trait I'd forgotten about skateboard celluloid -- and those Chicago dudes like Jesse Neuhaus and Stevie Dread skate with some serious power and all that. Eric Murphy, before I witnessed him on IG, was total surprise. Chicago in '92 looked dope.


As brought up in the comments of the last post, Clint Peterson's kickflip -- going but not turning frontside into the Lair's bowl -- was a true bowl-burner, tho. Heroics in that part of that bowl remind me of Consolidated sponsored guy Jackson Taylor's move from inside. He did a rather large frontside flip from shallow to deep at some long since passed demo; I asked him if he was the Cube's TM in an embarrassing aside, after. He was gracious. A single Google search turned up this bit on Taylor; while it's obviously old, there are decent narratives to be found.

1 comment:

Wylie T. said...

I totally agree with Mike that "The unknown past is sometimes as interesting as the recent present"!
For example, Josh Kalis once carried out his career in Chicago, yet his footage never really surfaced, making it and all the Chicago footage that preceded it, more interesting than the present footage -- which happens to be shallow as hell.
And for a second example, I finally got my copy of Plan B's "True" -- which would've been "unknown" to me, had I not condescended to buy it -- and how "interesting" are three of its parts!, namely Duffy's, Sheckler's, and Pudwill's.
I can't believe we weren't talking about how Duffy became madder and handsomer with age, or how Sheckler became so beautifully sketchy after he began living with regrets, or how Pudwill could've been fully forgotten had he not kept believing in himself, chosen that song by The Rolling Stones, and then produced the greatest tech part in the history of skateboarding!
(That's where I'm at.)