January 12, 2015

ACS Forever

Truth be told, there seems to be about 15 All City Showdowns every year, the fault of the consistent branding for all stops and the teasers man, the teasers. It's a year round affair, but it's not. The dudes down I-94, doing business as Sky High but typically seen here as Josh and Matt and Hank from Wiskate won ACS in Chicago handily and looked amazing doing so. Fine work.

Village Psychic's Dane Vaughn master mix is some fine work, something to piggyback on what SMG Dane is calling "The era of bosses."

Mastercut of Sammy Winter skating without his shirt.


Wylie Tueting said...

When the Wiskate guys skate, it always looks so natural, energetic, and unself-conscious, and I would've never expected such inspiration from guys from Wisconsin.
I'll never stereotype them again, but as for L.A. skaters - oh - I'll stereotype them always.

Anonymous said...

Not related to anything in this post, but could someone tell me where this one spot is... It's a bank to low ledge in a sort of tennis court, Gino did a shirtless back tail shuv on it in Hot Chocolate, Kalis impossible noseslid it in Mindfield. Is it even in Minnesota?

Wylie Tueting said...

It's in Minnesota, all right, and in proximity to The Mall of America, so I've heard; but by this time the spot is nearly exhausted, and really rather tiring on the eyes.
Instead, I'd suggest the humbler treasures of downtown St. Paul - that or Southwest High School, as it's got "bank to low" rails "in a sort of" parking lot.

Plat being lazy said...

Banks are in the tennis courts at Christian Park in Richfield, somewhere I finally google mapped out of decade's old curiosity. Used to always just kinda drive around until we found the spot.

Anonymous said...

The unparalleled gentility of the Minnesota skateboarder proven yet again. Many thanks.

Anonymous said...

Another question here if anyone wants to answer: the Elliott skatepark is all taken apart right now, is that something they do every winter or are they getting rid of it?

I'm from a small town in Minnesota and recently moved to Minneapolis after going to college in Madison, WI. It's been kinda tough starting over in a new city. I've been reading the blog since before I moved here and it gets me stoked. Thanks for what y'all put into it.

platinumseagulls said...

Elliot Skatepark is being shifted to a new concrete pad because they're expanding a soccer field in the park. From what I've heard, I'd expect it to be put back together this spring. Thanks and glad the site still stokes.