Who wouldn't want a place like this to skate in Minneapolis?! Let's get involved and make it happen! #samatarcrossing pic.twitter.com/OP9Eti4N8v
— Philip Schwartz (@PhilmrPhil) February 6, 2014
@PhilmrPhil please don't let it be another "plaza", that parks great, but lacks flow with barely any transition.
— Davis Torgerson (@DavisTorgerson) February 6, 2014
@DavisTorgerson Never skated there. The point was more that we can have anything we want if we do something about it. I'd like a plaza tho.
— Philip Schwartz (@PhilmrPhil) February 6, 2014
@PhilmrPhil I know what you mean, but we should build something that we can't find anywhere else, not just a bunch of ledges and stairs.
— Davis Torgerson (@DavisTorgerson) February 6, 2014
@DavisTorgerson Agreed. We could have a park that would be unique to Minneapolis and be instantly recognizable to out of towners.
— Philip Schwartz (@PhilmrPhil) February 6, 2014
@PhilmrPhil exactly! otherwise we'll just have another "Cali plaza". think a unique park with obscure obstacles would create attention.
— Davis Torgerson (@DavisTorgerson) February 6, 2014
@DavisTorgerson @PhilmrPhil I'm definitely getting involved! Lot's of flow, transition, and endless creative options.
— Aaron Christensen (@ACSL43R) February 6, 2014
@ACSL43R @PhilmrPhil yeee! and we can still have our ledge and flatbar (circle ofcourse).
— Davis Torgerson (@DavisTorgerson) February 6, 2014
Stoner Plaza is not all that. Having said that Davis will most likely call me out because every time I go to LA that's where I ask him to meet me:)
Yep, that's spot on.
I was thinking of opening my own skatepark, Ragsdalistan
200,000 square feet
granite ground
Two ledges
One flatbar
Manual pad
Ragsdalistan sounds like it could be the best skatepark ever, though I would request adding a manhole cover and mattress to the mix.
-Dan Jackson
except Ragsdalistan will most likely be in the middle of some sketchy middle east war zone…..
There's already a excellent plaza to skate about 1 mile to the west of this. It has ledges, stairs, manual pads, banks and handrails. It's called Downtown.
Though it is lacking a good flatbar...
It's not a fight worth fighting. You get more return for your efforts when you DIY!
b-show COMBO LEDGES EVERYWHERE is what this goddamn city NEEDS!
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