February 21, 2014

Gaps and Liquor Store Employees

This post goes out to one of the top liquor store employees in the Twin Cities, a dude who goes by the made up name of vikesFAN489@hotmail.com. He works at Lowry Hill Liquor and as the name I've given him suggests, he is a Vikings super fan. It's been a while since I've been to Lowry Hill, but I have no doubt that vikesFAN is there holding it down, jersey on, enthusiasm on simmer, the way it always is, and always should be. Our guy is in the first two photos; I once saw a news report where some hero producer had him on to talk Vikings. Truly inspired shit.

The gap to bank above, seen here with Josh Harmony handling business, borders the Lowry Hill parking lot. It sat there on Hennepin Avenue for ages, waiting, looking doable but gnarly/maybe not actually doable, until Harmony came through on a RVCA trip last summer and got his. Soak in those rays from the picture. Soon, soon.

The caption says they were kicked out on a Saturday, returned on a Sunday and got it. In a perfect universe, there is only one person who could have kicked them out.


jonathan richman said...

such a rad photo. i love that it took an out of towner with fresh eyes. kinda. could have been nelson.

sprntrl said...

I'm 99% sure that Emeric either tried/landed that gap about 10 years ago.

Wylie Tueting said...

Dear Mike and All,
So Dane Vaughn has a sixty-second bit up on Transworld -- with Kalis included, standing by for support -- and Dane deserves our support. Let's link him up already, for memory's sake! . . . though about that memory stuff: I reckon he still looks a tad too much like the Dane we used to all know, that same Dane from a decade or more ago . . . boyish. Hey now, what's with that?!

Intellectual Skateboarder esq. said...

That's it. Wylie needs his own blog. Who's on it?

sprntrl said...

I smell another internship in the making here….

coas said...

always wanted to see someone ollie that thing

p.s. I hope dana saw this photo

sprntrl said...

There was a 50% chance that Dana was probably there when he did the ollie. It's not often pros can come to mpls and Pizza doesn't lurk them out within the first 10 minutes