The above might be the best we can expect from Minneapolis public skateboard parks, for now. Those dudes rip. At least there's Joe being Joe.
The Twincities skatescene has thrived for a long time with the obvious absence of good public skateparks. The nature of the climate around here has made the private-but-pay skatepark the norm and the industrious amongst us have found the private bowl the way to go since the end of the aughts. The fact that very few frequent the Edina Grindline skatepark is a failure on that city.
There's a new wave of skatepark construction sweeping the metro-area and it could be good and it could be bad. I wrote a post about that last year and it's here, so take that as a refresher.
Right now, Minneapolis is in the early phases of revamping its lackluster skatepark system, and they want everyone's input, which they'll take via this survey, right here.
Think this one out and take something around the full 15 minutes they say it'll take, if not a couple moments more. It seems obvious that the people who read this site know what makes a good skatepark, and the people at the city need to hear it, so take care with the answers and when the text boxes afford a longer, more fleshed out answer, give them one.
Update: The city unveiled a big money plan for redevelopment around the new Vikings stadium, in an area which is a vast sea of surface parking lots. The proposal includes an almost 9 acre park, which is a possible location for a new Minneapolis public skatepark. This little bit is the origin of #vikingshiphalfpipe, FYI. An artist's rendering below, sans skatepark:
It's worth noting the snow/no snow element in that picture.
filled it out, only hope that someone actually takes the time to read them and even cares.
survey'd. I'll probably be dead before anything happens.
completed the survey, mega-ramp over the Gov Banks should be complete by 2015.
Seriously though, take the time to fill out the survey & if can attend the city meetings.
Finished it. Fingers crossed.
I guess their gonna have joey brezinski put in a mega manny pad. should be killer
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