Pizza-obsessed filmmaker, Dana Ross, will be showing his latest offering in Stillwater this Saturday. For some time now, Ross has claimed this will be his final film, promising some sort of totemic sacrifice of his video camera at the premiere. We'll see. But then, what would be next for the pie-auteur? It's difficult to imagine him turning his back on a decade of skateboard documentation; it seems that something like You Want The Crust?> is inevitable.
If Ross does indeed hang it up, while, in a literal sense, there won't be big shoes to fill, he'll still have left his mark on wonky skateboard video making and it's assured he'll continue to raise consciousness about one's most recent consumption of pizza.
They dont even serve pizza at that restaurant...
I mean "restaurnt"
looking forward to the vid though, sneak in the slices yall.
I can just imagine the cold call to all the sponsors. "Hey, is this Rodney at Shut? Do you like east coast skateboarding? Had any good pizza lately?"
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