Whether or not B-Show actually came up with the idea for a Kevin Garnett jersey buy-back program for Timberwolves games this season (he was traded a long time ago now, folks), the dude is still fascinating because he's an unvarnished maniac. Here are a couple other magical KG moments. I was also going to type something about how rad it is that the Wolves have a better record than Boston, but alas, after the bar fight last night that's no longer the case.
As for the skate-related video above that you've probably already watched, Quartersnacks most likely improved an already good video part by upping the pacing with a song that provides more than background music. I wasn't a fan of the original James Brown. Ishod Wair rips, good job.
It's pretty rad to see a Supernatural ad in a CBI post.
Happy weekend.
Edit: Why Longboards Suck.
Another edit: Buttery Ass Donovan sets the Internets afire by figuring out exactly which day was a good day.
"They’re the dodo bird of the skateboarding world." Spot on.
Seen this yet? Shit non-skaters say to skaters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzXFMO2pSG4
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