September 12, 2011


I've been away. The above is the aftermath of an etnies signing in Helsinki, where a bunch of Finnish kids got a little too pumped about free shades and stickers. Once the dudes bailed, the tables buckled. It would be a better story to say the dudes were rushed out the door behind the booth and whisked away to safety (but those doors were locked), but oh well. There're a lot of stories from the trip. There's an article forthcoming and I'll try to post more anecdotes here, time during a fresh semester allowing.

On a similar note, I did a little welcome to etnies interview with Cairo Foster last month.

While footage of the Twincities stop of the Mississippi Grind continues to be elusive, a Google search did turn up some flicks of the event from my former employer. It also seems that life on the river is taking a bit of a toll on Fink, though one must admit that's a pretty sick look. Let's see if Meyer follows suit.

Keep your eyes on Jamiel and Fink's social media efforts for more on the Grind.

Finally, Adeline has a video of Steve featuring some moves from his interview in this month's TSM. Proper vid.


Mighty Roll said...

aaaaahhhhhhh............zzzzzzz...huh...oh ...ok 1 sec...achem ...hi...its always refreshing to see some real gangsters. can I get an amen. and I thank ya. shall I preach on? ok I will. Can utter shredery continue to be gangsta in these perilous times? will skateboarding ninjery pervail in the face of pure unasaltyed douchery? will some sk8 thugs get that mofing loot in the 11? I do believe they we always do. pay yer dewz hoez vhs kingz is in the bilding bitch elijah collard endorses this post ho! mike munz period spntrl period roots life todd brown period benji meyer period bitches go change yer tampons b4 u fuck wit meeeeeeeeeeeeee...tree ninja #1, 2, 3...step on up!

Mighty Roll said...

wtf...fergive me...crunk postin... i fergot to big up Nesser too, Crushin it! thats what I'm talkin bout! OG thumper still goin at it. bow down.

Mighty Roll said...

i was quite crunk for the both of you top two cunt comments...fuck im back in action like the man dan jackson! the first comment was supposed to go with the shitheads post, goddammit. well deal with it u fucks, I rule. deal with it. but im not alon there are numerus rulerz in the galaxy bekuz itz a big infinity out there. come join me in reality...if u can swim with the sharkz. u cannot.