Damn. 10 years already? We need to get Ryan Damian and Steve Olson together again for peacemaking session w the gatekeeper
Speaking of Steve Olson... do any of you guys know what ever happened to him? His part in guilty was my favorite when I was a kid.
Olson got in a car accident and fucked his back. Per rumor mill and message board shit from what I remember after couple beers and jamaican rum. MMM jamaican rum.
Supernatural was ill. Someone should bring it back
benji looks really hyped that he had a young hyped elijah sitting behind him for the whole ride! epic trip thanks rob!
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Damn. 10 years already? We need to get Ryan Damian and Steve Olson together again for peacemaking session w the gatekeeper
Speaking of Steve Olson... do any of you guys know what ever happened to him? His part in guilty was my favorite when I was a kid.
Olson got in a car accident and fucked his back. Per rumor mill and message board shit from what I remember after couple beers and jamaican rum. MMM jamaican rum.
Supernatural was ill. Someone should bring it back
benji looks really hyped that he had a young hyped elijah sitting behind him for the whole ride! epic trip thanks rob!
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