June 16, 2011

"Dude Rips"

Stumbled upon this evening: A 2005 NPR profile of Jeron Wilson, which is obviously pure gold. From the strange description of Girl's founding to the labored description of a switch backside heelflip, the story is everything you'd wanna hear from mid-decade NPR. Much of the story talks up the diversity angle; it'd be interesting to hear some follow up on that, if quantifiable stuff exists, because skateboarding's just about as diverse a thing you'll find, at least in city centers, and stuff.

Quartersnack's Mad Real OIAM write up has must read status.

That is all.


Templeton said...

That NPR story was one of the first things I posted as a professional blogger for The Skateboard Mag.

Anonymous said...

Dank picture. Wasn't he already Familia?

Wylie Tueting said...

I would like to hear Antwuan Dixon speak about what it is like to be a Black American skateboarder who is making it. Shit would be deep!